Geomorphic Processes Ch (5) Practice Quiz in English Part 2 || Class 11 Geography Book -1 Practice Quizzes in English Posted on February 25, 2025February 27, 2025 by Anshul Gupta0% 0 votes, 0 avg 0 Geomorphic Processes Ch (5)Practice Quiz in English Part 2 || Class 11 Geography Book -1 Practice Quizzes in English 1 / 201. What is the first step in soil formation? A. Erosion B. Volcanic eruption C. Weathering D. Deposition Explanation: Soil formation, or pedogenesis, begins with weathering.2 / 202. What is deposition? A. The movement of continents B. The formation of rocks by biological activity C. A consequence of erosion, where sediments settle due to reduced energy D. The eruption of volcanoes Explanation: Deposition is a consequence of erosion, where the erosional agents lose their velocity and energy on gentler slopes, causing the carried materials to settle.3 / 203. What is the role of time in soil formation? A. It determines the maturation of soils and profile development. B. It influences the Earth's climate. C. It causes earthquakes. D. It creates ocean currents. Explanation: The length of time that soil-forming processes operate determines the maturation of soils and profile development.4 / 204. What is a debris slide? A. A type of earthquake B. The formation of mountains C. Rapid rolling or sliding of earth debris without backward rotation D. The deposition of sediments by rivers Explanation: Rapid rolling or sliding of earth debris without backward rotation of mass is known as debris slide.5 / 205. What is nitrogen fixation? A. The process of forming mountains B. The process of weathering rocks C. The process of converting gaseous nitrogen into a chemical form usable by plants D. The process of causing earthquakes Explanation: Nitrogen fixation is the process by which bacteria and other soil organisms convert gaseous nitrogen from the air into a chemical form that can be used by plants. 6 / 206. How does weathering contribute to bio-diversity? A. It creates a variety of habitats for organisms. B. It releases nutrients into the soil. C. It influences the Earth's magnetic field. D. It changes the Earth's climate. Explanation: Biomes and biodiversity are fundamentally a result of forests (vegetation), and forests depend on the depth of weathering mantles.7 / 207. What is erosion? A. The eruption of volcanoes B. The formation of rocks C. The movement of continents D. The acquisition and transportation of rock debris Explanation: Erosion involves the acquisition and transportation of rock debris.8 / 208. What is slump? A. Slipping of rock debris with backward rotation B. The formation of glaciers C. The erosion of rocks by wind D. A type of volcanic eruption Explanation: Slump is the slipping of one or several units of rock debris with a backward rotation with respect to the slope over which the movement takes place.9 / 209. What is the role of water in mass movement? A. It is the primary driving force behind mass movement. B. It can be carried with the debris, but it does not carry debris with it. C. It prevents mass movement. D. It has no role in mass movement. Explanation: In mass movements, air, water, or ice do not carry debris with them from place to place, but the debris may carry air, water, or ice with it.10 / 2010. What is humus? A. A type of fossil B. The finely divided organic matter of the soil C. A type of mineral D. A type of rock Explanation: Humus is the finely divided organic matter of the soil, derived from dead plants.11 / 2011. What is the importance of weathering in the national economy? A. It creates employment opportunities. B. It influences the Earth's climate. C. It helps in the enrichment and concentration of valuable ores. D. It contributes to the development of new technologies. Explanation: Weathering of rocks and deposits helps in the enrichment and concentration of certain valuable ores of iron, manganese, aluminum, copper, etc., which are of great importance for the national economy.12 / 2012. How does weathering aid mass wasting? A. It weakens rocks, making them more susceptible to movement. B. It increases the weight of rocks. C. It changes the Earth's climate. D. It influences the Earth's magnetic field. Explanation: Weathering aids mass wasting by weakening rocks and making them more susceptible to movement.13 / 2013. What is a debris fall? A. The erosion of rocks by wind B. The formation of glaciers C. A type of volcanic eruption D. Nearly a free fall of earth debris from a vertical or overhanging face Explanation: Debris fall is nearly a free fall of earth debris from a vertical or overhanging face.14 / 2014. What is mass movement? A. The formation of mountains B. The eruption of volcanoes C. The transfer of rock debris down slopes under the direct influence of gravity D. The movement of continents Explanation: Mass movements involve the transfer of rock debris down slopes under the direct influence of gravity.15 / 2015. What is the significance of weathering? A. It breaks down rocks and prepares the way for soil formation and erosion. B. It influences the Earth's climate. C. It creates ocean currents. D. It causes earthquakes. Explanation: Weathering processes are responsible for breaking down rocks into smaller fragments, preparing the way for the formation of regolith, soils, and enabling erosion and mass movements.16 / 2016. What is a rockslide? A. Sliding of individual rock masses down bedding, joint, or fault surfaces B. The deposition of sediments by rivers C. A type of earthquake D. The formation of mountains Explanation: Sliding of individual rock masses down bedding, joint, or fault surfaces is rockslide.17 / 2017. What is the basic input for soil formation? A. Magma B. Water C. Air D. The weathered material or transported deposits Explanation: The weathered material or transported deposits form the basic input for soil formation.18 / 2018. What is abrasion? A. The movement of glaciers B. The formation of rocks by chemical processes C. The wearing down of rocks by the rock debris carried by geomorphic agents D. The deposition of sediments by rivers Explanation: Abrasion is the wearing down of rocks by the rock debris carried by geomorphic agents.19 / 2019. What is soil? A. A type of fossil B. A type of mineral C. A dynamic medium in which many chemical, physical, and biological activities occur D. A type of rock Explanation: Soil is a dynamic medium where various chemical, physical, and biological activities constantly take place.20 / 2020. What is a landslide? A. A rapid and perceptible mass movement B. A slow and imperceptible mass movement C. The formation of rivers D. The movement of glaciers Explanation: Landslides are relatively rapid and perceptible movements involving relatively dry materials.Please insert your information to see your ranking अपनी Ranking जानने के लिए कृपया अपनी जानकारी भरे NamePhone Number Your score isThe average score is 0% 0% Restart quiz Category: Class 11 Geography Quizzes in English