Atmospheric Circulation and Weather Systems Ch (9) Practice Quiz in English Part 1 || Class 11 Geography Book -1 Practice Quizzes in English Posted on February 25, 2025February 27, 2025 by Anshul Gupta0% 0 votes, 0 avg 0 Atmospheric Circulation and Weather Systems Ch (9)Practice Quiz in English Part 1 || Class 11 Geography Book -1 Practice Quizzes in English 1 / 201. What is the decrease in atmospheric pressure per 10m increase in elevation in the lower atmosphere? A. 100 mb B. 10 mb C. 0.1 mb D. 1 mb Explanation: In the lower atmosphere, pressure decreases at a rate of approximately 1 millibar for every 10-meter increase in elevation. 2 / 202. Where is the Coriolis force maximum? A. Equator B. Poles C. 30° N and 30° S D. 60° N and 60° S Explanation: The Coriolis effect is strongest at the poles and gradually decreases to zero at the equator. 3 / 203. Where are the high-pressure areas known as subtropical highs found? A. Along 30° N and 30° S B. Near the equator C. Near the poles D. Along 60° N and 60° S Explanation: Subtropical highs are high-pressure belts located around 30 degrees north and south of the equator. 4 / 204. What is the average atmospheric pressure at sea level? A. 1000 mb B. 1050 mb C. 1020 mb D. 1013.2 mb Explanation: The average atmospheric pressure at sea level is 1013.2 millibars. 5 / 205. What is the name for the horizontal movement of air? A. Advection B. Convection C. Pressure gradient D. Wind Explanation: Wind is the term used to describe the horizontal movement of air. 6 / 206. What are lines connecting places having equal pressure called? A. Isotherms B. Isohyets C. Isobars D. Contours Explanation: Isobars are lines on a weather map connecting points of equal atmospheric pressure. 7 / 207. What is the direction of wind around a high-pressure system in the Northern Hemisphere? A. Clockwise B. Parallel to isobars C. Perpendicular to isobars D. Anticlockwise Explanation: In the Northern Hemisphere, winds blow clockwise around a high-pressure system. 8 / 208. Why are tropical cyclones not formed near the equator? A. Coriolis force is absent B. Sea surface temperature is too low C. Pressure gradient force is too weak D. Wind shear is too strong Explanation: The Coriolis force, necessary for the spinning motion of cyclones, is zero at the equator. 9 / 209. What are the low-pressure belts located along 60° N and 60° S called? A. Subtropical high B. Subpolar low C. Equatorial low D. Polar high Explanation: The low-pressure belts found around 60 degrees north and south are called subpolar lows. 10 / 2010. What is the primary cause of air motion? A. Variation in humidity B. Variation in wind speed C. Variation in temperature D. Variation in atmospheric pressure Explanation: Differences in atmospheric pressure create pressure gradients, which are the primary cause of air motion. 11 / 2011. What is a low-pressure system characterized by? A. Pressure increasing outward B. Lowest pressure in the center C. No pressure variation D. Highest pressure in the center Explanation: A low-pressure system has the lowest pressure at its center, with pressure increasing outwards. 12 / 2012. Why is atmospheric pressure measured at any station reduced to sea level for comparison? A. To standardize measurements B. To eliminate the effect of altitude C. To simplify calculations D. To account for temperature differences Explanation: Pressure decreases with altitude, so reducing measurements to sea level allows for accurate comparison between different locations. 13 / 2013. What causes the movement of air from high pressure to low pressure? A. Temperature differences B. Earth's rotation C. Humidity D. Gravity Explanation: Air expands when heated and becomes less dense, leading to lower pressure. It moves towards areas of cooler, denser air with higher pressure. 14 / 2014. What is the approximate pressure at an altitude of 5 km according to the standard atmosphere? A. 540.48 mb B. 898.76 mb C. 265 mb D. 1013.25 mb Explanation: The table provided in the text indicates that the standard pressure at 5 km altitude is 540.48 mb. 15 / 2015. In which direction does the Coriolis force deflect wind in the Southern Hemisphere? A. Right B. Upward C. Left D. Downward Explanation: The Coriolis force deflects winds to the left in the Southern Hemisphere and to the right in the Northern Hemisphere. 16 / 2016. Are the pressure belts on Earth permanent? A. Yes, they remain fixed B. They change only with seasons C. They vary unpredictably D. No, they oscillate with the sun's movement Explanation: Pressure belts shift with the apparent movement of the sun, moving southward in the northern hemisphere’s winter and northward in summer. 17 / 2017. What is the wind circulation around a low-pressure system called? A. Geostrophic B. Anticyclonic C. Cyclonic D. Trade winds Explanation: Wind circulation around a low-pressure area is called cyclonic circulation. 18 / 2018. What is the area near the equator with low sea level pressure known as? A. Equatorial low B. Subtropical high C. Subpolar low D. Polar high Explanation: The region near the equator experiences low pressure due to high insolation and is called the equatorial low. 19 / 2019. Why don’t we experience strong upward winds despite the significant vertical pressure gradient force? A. Frictional force negates it B. Wind direction is primarily horizontal C. Coriolis force counteracts it D. Gravitational force balances it Explanation: The vertical pressure gradient force is generally balanced by an almost equal but opposite gravitational force, preventing strong upward winds. 20 / 2020. What force affects the direction of wind due to Earth’s rotation? A. Pressure gradient force B. Gravitational force C. Frictional force D. Coriolis force Explanation: The Coriolis force is a result of Earth’s rotation and deflects winds to the right in the Northern Hemisphere and left in the Southern Hemisphere. Please insert your information to see your ranking अपनी Ranking जानने के लिए कृपया अपनी जानकारी भरे NamePhone Number Your score isThe average score is 0% 0% Restart quiz Category: Class 11 Geography Quizzes in English