Water in the Atmosphere Ch (10) Practice Quiz in English Part 1 || Class 11 Geography Book -1 Practice Quizzes in English Posted on February 25, 2025February 27, 2025 by Anshul Gupta0% 0 votes, 0 avg 0 Water in the Atmosphere Ch (10)Practice Quiz in English Part 1 || Class 11 Geography Book -1 Practice Quizzes in English 1 / 201. What is the term for the process by which water is released from plants into the atmosphere? A. Transpiration B. Evaporation C. Condensation D. Precipitation Explanation: Transpiration is the process where plants release water vapor into the air through their leaves. 2 / 202. What is the term for the moisture deposited in the form of minute ice crystals on cold surfaces? A. Frost B. Dew C. Fog D. Mist Explanation: Frost occurs when water vapor changes directly into ice crystals on surfaces when the temperature is below freezing. 3 / 203. What is the term for the air containing moisture to its full capacity at a given temperature? A. Saturated air B. Relative humidity C. Absolute humidity D. Specific humidity Explanation: When air is saturated, it means it can’t hold any more water vapor at that temperature. 4 / 204. What is the name for the moisture deposited in the form of water droplets on cooler surfaces of solid objects? A. Mist B. Fog C. Dew D. Frost Explanation: Dew forms when water vapor condenses into liquid droplets on surfaces like grass or leaves. 5 / 205. Which type of precipitation is frozen raindrops and refrozen melted snow-water? A. Snow B. Hail C. Rain D. Sleet Explanation: Sleet forms when raindrops fall through a layer of freezing air near the ground. 6 / 206. What is the term for the actual amount of water vapor present in the atmosphere? A. Specific humidity B. Relative humidity C. Saturated air D. Absolute humidity Explanation: Absolute humidity measures the total amount of water vapor in a given volume of air. 7 / 207. What is the term for the percentage of moisture present in the atmosphere as compared to its full capacity at a given temperature? A. Relative humidity B. Saturated air C. Absolute humidity D. Specific humidity Explanation: Relative humidity tells us how much moisture is in the air compared to how much it could hold at that temperature. 8 / 208. Which type of cloud is formed at high altitudes and has a feathery appearance? A. Cumulus B. Cirrus C. Stratus D. Nimbus Explanation: Cirrus clouds are high-altitude clouds known for their thin and wispy appearance. 9 / 209. What is the name of the process by which water is transformed from a liquid to a gaseous state? A. Precipitation B. Condensation C. Evaporation D. Transpiration Explanation: Evaporation is the process where a liquid, like water, changes into a gas. 10 / 2010. What is the name for the condition when fog is mixed with smoke? A. Mist B. Fog C. Dew D. Smog Explanation: Smog is a type of air pollution formed by a mixture of fog and smoke. 11 / 2011. Which type of cloud is dark gray or black and associated with heavy rain or storms? A. Cumulus B. Nimbus C. Stratus D. Cirrus Explanation: Nimbus clouds are thick, dark clouds that bring rain or other forms of precipitation. 12 / 2012. What is the name for the temperature at which saturation occurs in a given sample of air? A. Absolute humidity B. Dew point C. Saturation point D. Relative humidity Explanation: The dew point is the temperature at which air becomes saturated and can’t hold any more water vapor. 13 / 2013. What is the name for a cloud with its base at or very near to the ground? A. Fog B. Mist C. Smog D. Dew Explanation: Fog is essentially a cloud that touches the ground, reducing visibility. 14 / 2014. What is the name for the area situated on the leeward side of a mountain, which gets less rainfall? A. Leeward slope B. Wet zone C. Windward slope D. Rain-shadow area Explanation: The rain-shadow area is the drier side of a mountain that receives less rainfall due to the blocking effect of the mountain on rain-bearing winds. 15 / 2015. Which type of rainfall is typically associated with thunderstorms and occurs in the summer or hotter parts of the day? A. Orographic rain B. Frontal rain C. Convectional rain D. Cyclonic rain Explanation: Convectional rain results from the rapid rising of warm, moist air, often leading to intense but short-lived rainfall. 16 / 2016. Which type of rainfall occurs when a saturated air mass is forced to ascend a mountain? A. Frontal rain B. Convectional rain C. Cyclonic rain D. Orographic rain Explanation: Orographic rain happens when air rises over a mountain, cools, and releases moisture as rain. 17 / 2017. Which type of precipitation consists of small, rounded solid pieces of ice? A. Snow B. Hail C. Rain D. Sleet Explanation: Hail is a form of precipitation where solid chunks of ice fall from the sky, often during thunderstorms. 18 / 2018. Which type of cloud looks like cotton wool and has a flat base? A. Nimbus B. Cumulus C. Cirrus D. Stratus Explanation: Cumulus clouds are puffy, cotton-like clouds with a distinct flat bottom. 19 / 2019. Which type of cloud is layered, covering large portions of the sky? A. Cirrus B. Stratus C. Cumulus D. Nimbus Explanation: Stratus clouds are low-level, flat clouds that often cover the entire sky like a blanket. 20 / 2020. What is the term for the process of continuous condensation in free air that leads to precipitation? A. Condensation B. Precipitation C. Transpiration D. Evaporation Explanation: Precipitation is the process where water falls back to the Earth in the form of rain, snow, sleet, or hail. 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