The Fundamental Unit of Life (जीवन की मौलिक इकाई) Ch(5) Posted on February 28, 2025February 28, 2025 by Anshul Gupta0% 0 votes, 0 avg 0 The Fundamental Unit of Life (जीवन की मौलिक इकाई) Ch(5)Practice Quiz in Hindi Part – 1 || Class 9 Science Practice Quizzes in English 1 / 201. What is the function of meiosis? A. Both a and b B. To produce gametes C. To grow and repair tissues D. Neither a nor b explanation: Meiosis is a type of cell division that produces four daughter cells with half the number of chromosomes as the parent cell, leading to the formation of gametes. 2 / 202. Which type of cell lacks a nuclear membrane? A. Both a and b B. Prokaryotic cell C. Neither a nor b D. Eukaryotic cell explanation: Prokaryotic cells, such as bacteria, lack a nuclear membrane and other membrane-bound organelles. 3 / 203. What is the process by which water moves across a selectively permeable membrane? A. Active transport B. Endocytosis C. Diffusion D. Osmosis explanation: Osmosis is the specific process by which water molecules move across a selectively permeable membrane from a region of higher water concentration to a region of lower water concentration. 4 / 204. Who first discovered cells? A. Anton van Leeuwenhoek B. Matthias Schleiden C. Robert Hooke D. Robert Brown explanation: Robert Hooke first discovered cells in 1665 while examining a thin slice of cork under a microscope. 5 / 205. What is the name of the scientist who shared the Nobel Prize with Golgi in 1906? A. Santiago Ramony Cajal B. Robert Brown C. None of the above D. Matthias Schleiden explanation: Camillo Golgi shared the Nobel Prize with Santiago Ramony Cajal for their work on the structure of the nervous system. 6 / 206. What is the function of the Golgi apparatus? A. To package and dispatch materials B. To produce energy C. To store genetic information D. To break down waste materials explanation: The Golgi apparatus packages and dispatches materials, such as proteins and lipids, to various locations within and outside the cell. 7 / 207. Which organelle is known as the “suicide bag” of the cell? A. Lysosome B. Endoplasmic reticulum C. Mitochondria D. Vacuole explanation: Lysosomes contain digestive enzymes that break down waste materials and cellular debris. They are sometimes referred to as “suicide bags” because they can digest the cell itself under certain conditions. 8 / 208. What is the name of the kitchen that Golgi converted into a laboratory? A. The Hospital of St. Matteo B. The Hospital for the Chronically Sick at Abbiategrasso C. The University of Pavia D. None of the above explanation: Camillo Golgi converted a little kitchen at the Hospital for the Chronically Sick at Abbiategrasso into a laboratory. 9 / 209. What is the outermost covering of an animal cell? A. Cytoplasm B. Nuclear membrane C. Plasma membrane D. Cell wall explanation: The outermost covering of an animal cell is the plasma membrane, which separates the cell’s contents from its external environment. 10 / 2010. What is the function of vacuoles? A. To transport materials B. To synthesize proteins C. To produce energy D. To store materials explanation: Vacuoles are storage sacs for various substances, including water, nutrients, and waste products. 11 / 2011. What is the primary function of mitochondria? A. To synthesize proteins B. To store food C. To transport materials D. To produce energy explanation: Mitochondria are responsible for generating energy in the form of ATP through cellular respiration. 12 / 2012. What is the function of the cell membrane? A. To control the entry and exit of materials B. To produce energy C. To provide structural support D. To store genetic information explanation: The cell membrane regulates the movement of materials in and out of the cell, allowing some materials to pass while preventing others. 13 / 2013. Which type of plastid is responsible for photosynthesis? A. Leucoplast B. None of the above C. Chromoplast D. Chloroplast explanation: Chloroplasts contain chlorophyll, the pigment that captures light energy for photosynthesis. 14 / 2014. What is the phenomenon called when the contents of a plant cell shrink away from the cell wall due to water loss? A. Endocytosis B. Osmosis C. Plasmolysis D. Diffusion explanation: Plasmolysis occurs when a plant cell loses water through osmosis, causing the cell membrane to pull away from the cell wall. 15 / 2015. What is the basic building unit of an onion bulb? A. Organelle B. Tissue C. Organ D. Cell explanation: The basic building unit of all living organisms, including onion bulbs, is the cell. 16 / 2016. What is the name of the staining method developed by Camillo Golgi? A. None of the above B. The "black reaction" C. The "silver reaction" D. The "weak reaction" explanation: Camillo Golgi developed a revolutionary staining method called the “black reaction” to visualize individual nerve and cell structures. 17 / 2017. Which organelle is responsible for protein synthesis? A. Mitochondria B. Golgi apparatus C. Nucleus D. Ribosomes explanation: Ribosomes are the sites of protein synthesis in the cell. 18 / 2018. What happens to a plant cell when placed in a hypotonic solution? A. It shrinks B. It stays the same size C. It bursts D. It swells explanation: In a hypotonic solution, water moves into the cell by osmosis, causing it to swell. 19 / 2019. What is the process by which new cells are formed for growth and repair? A. Meiosis B. Neither a nor b C. Mitosis D. Both a and b explanation: Mitosis is the type of cell division that produces two identical daughter cells for growth and repair of tissues. 20 / 2020. What is the name of the fluid content inside the plasma membrane? A. Nucleoplasm B. Protoplasm C. Cytoplasm D. None of the above explanation: The cytoplasm is the fluid content inside the plasma membrane that contains various cell organelles. Please insert your information to see your ranking अपनी Ranking जानने के लिए कृपया अपनी जानकारी भरे NamePhone Number Your score isThe average score is 0% 0% Restart quiz Category: Class 9 Science Quizzes in English