Geography as a Discipline Ch(1) Practice Quiz in English Part 1 || Class 11 Geography Practice Quizzes in English Posted on February 25, 2025February 27, 2025 by Anshul Gupta0% 0 votes, 0 avg 0 Geography as a Discipline Ch(1)Practice Quiz in English Part 1 Class 11 Geography Practice Quizzes in English 1 / 201. Which branch of Geography studies the spatial patterns of natural vegetation? A. Environmental Geography B. Ecology C. Zoo Geography D. Plant Geography Explanation: Plant Geography examines the distribution of plants and their relationship with the environment.2 / 202. Which branch of Geography deals with the study of habitats and species? A. Ecology B. Zoo Geography C. Plant Geography D. Environmental Geography Explanation: Ecology studies the relationships between organisms and their environment, including habitats and species interactions. 3 / 203. What does Human Geography primarily focus on? A. Water resources B. Natural landforms C. Climate patterns D. Human activities Explanation: Human Geography studies the spatial dynamics of human society, culture, and activities. 4 / 204. Which branch of Geography studies the historical processes shaping the Earth’s surface? A. Economic Geography B. Population Geography C. Political Geography D. Historical Geography Explanation: Historical Geography examines how historical events and processes have shaped the Earth’s surface over time. 5 / 205. Which branch of Geography studies the processes of soil formation? A. Climatology B. Geomorphology C. Hydrology D. Soil Geography Explanation: Soil Geography focuses on understanding how soils are formed, their types, and distribution. 6 / 206. Which of the following is NOT a branch of Physical Geography? A. Hydrology B. Geomorphology C. Climatology D. Population Geography Explanation: Population Geography is a branch of Human Geography, not Physical Geography. 7 / 207. What does Climatology study? A. Weather and climate B. Soil formation C. Landforms D. Water bodies Explanation: Climatology is the study of the atmosphere, weather patterns, and climate types. 8 / 208. Which of the following is NOT a branch of Geography based on the regional approach? A. Regional Studies B. Regional Development C. Geomorphology D. Regional Planning Explanation: Geomorphology is a branch of Physical Geography under the systematic approach, not the regional approach. 9 / 209. What is Geography primarily concerned with? A. Areal differentiation B. Description of landforms C. Analysis of weather patterns D. Study of maps Explanation: Geography focuses on understanding how and why different features and phenomena vary across the Earth’s surface. 10 / 2010. Which question is related to the cause-effect relationship? A. Why B. Where C. When D. What Explanation: The question “Why” seeks to understand the reasons behind a phenomenon, exploring the cause-effect relationship. 11 / 2011. What does Economic Geography study? A. Political events B. Historical processes C. Natural vegetation D. Economic activities Explanation: Economic Geography focuses on the spatial distribution and organization of economic activities like agriculture, industry, and trade. 12 / 2012. Who coined the term ‘Geography’? A. Aristotle B. Galileo C. Eratosthenese D. Herodotus Explanation: The term ‘Geography’ was first coined by the Greek scholar Eratosthenese. 13 / 2013. What does Political Geography focus on? A. Population dynamics B. Political events and spatial relations C. Natural landforms D. Economic activities Explanation: Political Geography studies the spatial aspects of political processes, boundaries, and international relations. 14 / 2014. What does Regional Planning involve? A. Developing plans for countries, rural areas, and towns B. Analyzing economic activities C. Studying historical processes D. Studying macro, meso, and micro regions Explanation: Regional Planning focuses on creating development plans for different regions, including rural and urban areas. 15 / 2015. What is the focus of Environmental Geography? A. Population dynamics B. Political events C. Economic activities D. Environmental problems and conservation Explanation: Environmental Geography examines the impact of human activities on the environment and explores ways to conserve natural resources. 16 / 2016. Which discipline attempts temporal synthesis? A. History B. Anthropology C. Geography D. Sociology Explanation: Temporal synthesis involves studying events and phenomena over time, which is the primary focus of History. 17 / 2017. Which branch of Geography studies population growth and distribution? A. Economic Geography B. Historical Geography C. Population Geography D. Political Geography Explanation: Population Geography examines population dynamics, including growth, distribution, and migration. 18 / 2018. Match the following branches of Geography with their corresponding subjects: Branch of Geography Subject 1. Meteorology A. Population Geography 2. Demography B. Soil Geography Sociology C. Climatology 4. Pedology D. Social Geography A. 1B, 2C, 3A, 4D B. 1C, 2A, 3D, 4B C. 1D, 2B, 3C, 4A D. 1A, 2D, 3B, 4C Explanation: Meteorology studies climate, Demography studies population, Sociology studies society, and Pedology studies soil. 19 / 2019. Which of the following is a physical feature? A. Plain B. Port C. Road D. Water park Explanation: Plains are natural landforms, while ports, roads, and water parks are man-made features. 20 / 2020. What does Zoo Geography study? A. Natural vegetation B. Soil formation C. Spatial patterns of animals D. Human activities Explanation: Zoo Geography focuses on the distribution of animals and their interactions with their habitats. Please insert your information to see your ranking अपनी Ranking जानने के लिए कृपया अपनी जानकारी भरे NamePhone Number Your score isThe average score is 0% 0% Restart quiz Category: Class 11 Geography Quizzes in English