Interior of the Earth Ch (3) Practice Quiz in English Part 2 || Class 11 Geography Book -1 Practice Quizzes in English Posted on February 25, 2025February 27, 2025 by Anshul Gupta0% 0 votes, 0 avg 0 Interior of the Earth Ch (3)Practice Quiz in English Part 2 || Class 11 Geography Book -1 Practice Quizzes in English 1 / 201. What is the term for a wall-like structure formed when lava solidifies within cracks in the Earth’s crust? A. Laccolith B. Sill C. Batholith Answer: D. Dyke Explanation: Dykes are vertical or near-vertical intrusions of igneous rock that cut across existing rock layers. 2 / 202. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of flood basalt provinces? A. Thick basalt layers Answer: B. Extensive lava flows C. Explosive eruptions D. Highly fluid lava Explanation: Flood basalt provinces are characterized by massive outpourings of low-viscosity lava, not explosive eruptions. 3 / 203. What is the term for the shaking of the Earth caused by the release of energy? A. Fault rupture Answer: B. Tremor C. Seismic wave D. Earthquake Explanation: An earthquake is the shaking or trembling of the Earth’s surface caused by the sudden release of energy in the Earth’s crust. 4 / 204. Which of the following statements about the Earth’s core is true? A. It is composed of the same material as the mantle. Answer: B. It is entirely liquid. C. It has a solid inner core and a liquid outer core. D. It is entirely solid. Explanation: The Earth’s core consists of a solid inner core and a liquid outer core, both primarily composed of iron and nickel. 5 / 205. What is the name for the instrument used to record earthquake waves? A. Mercalli scale B. Richter scale C. Magnetometer Answer: D. Seismograph Explanation: A seismograph is a device that detects and records ground motions caused by seismic waves. 6 / 206. Which of the following volcanic landforms is considered the feeder for the Deccan Traps? A. Batholith B. Laccolith C. Dyke Answer: D. Sill Explanation: Dykes are believed to have been the pathways for magma that led to the formation of the Deccan Traps, a massive flood basalt province in India.7 / 207. What is the name for the point where an earthquake’s energy is released? A. Shadow zone Answer: B. Focus C. Epicenter D. Fault line Explanation: The focus, also known as the hypocenter, is the point of origin of an earthquake within the Earth’s crust. 8 / 208. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of the Earth’s mantle? A. It is mostly made up of iron and nickel. Answer: B. It is located beneath the crust. C. It is the source of magma. D. It is composed of solid rock. Explanation: The Earth’s core, not the mantle, is primarily composed of iron and nickel. 9 / 209. Which of the following is NOT a type of volcano classified based on its form and eruption style? A. Composite volcano B. Fault volcano Answer: C. Shield volcano D. Caldera Explanation: There is no recognized type of volcano called a “fault volcano.” 10 / 2010. Which type of earthquake is caused by the collapse of underground mines? A. Collapse earthquake B. Volcanic earthquake C. Explosion earthquake Answer: D. Tectonic earthquake Explanation: Collapse earthquakes are minor tremors caused by the collapse of mine shafts or underground cavities. 11 / 2011. What is the term for the difference between the observed gravity value and the expected value at a location? A. Gravitational shift Answer: B. Magnetic anomaly C. Gravity anomaly D. Seismic anomaly Explanation: Gravity anomalies provide insights into the variations in the density and distribution of materials within the Earth’s crust. 12 / 2012. Which of the following is a direct source of information about the Earth’s interior? A. Magnetic surveys Answer: B. Seismic waves C. Gravity anomalies D. Volcanic eruptions Explanation: Volcanic eruptions bring magma, or lava, to the surface, providing direct samples of material from the Earth’s interior. 13 / 2013. Which of the following is NOT a factor that influences the formation of volcanic landforms? A. Location of lava cooling B. Earth's magnetic field Answer: C. Nature of eruption D. Type of lava Explanation: The Earth’s magnetic field does not play a direct role in the formation of volcanic landforms. 14 / 2014. What is the name for a large, dome-shaped intrusive body with a level base and a pipe-like conduit? A. Dyke Answer: B. Phacolith C. Batholith D. Laccolith Explanation: Laccoliths are lens-shaped intrusions of magma that push up the overlying rock layers. 15 / 2015. Where do mid-ocean ridge volcanoes occur? A. Along the edges of continents B. On volcanic islands Answer: C. Near subduction zones D. In the center of ocean basins Explanation: Mid-ocean ridges are underwater mountain ranges where new oceanic crust is formed through volcanic activity. 16 / 2016. Which of the following is NOT a type of body wave generated during an earthquake? A. P-wave B. Surface wave C. None of the above Answer: D. S-wave Explanation: Surface waves are not body waves; they travel along the Earth’s surface, while body waves travel through the Earth’s interior. 17 / 2017. What is the name for a volcanic depression formed by the collapse of a volcano? A. Fissure Answer: B. Caldera C. Crater D. Vent Explanation: Calderas are large, basin-shaped depressions that form when a volcano collapses after a major eruption. 18 / 2018. Which of the following is NOT a factor that affects the reading of gravity at different locations on Earth? A. Latitude B. Altitude C. Temperature Answer: D. Distribution of mass Explanation: While latitude, altitude, and the distribution of mass influence gravity readings, temperature does not have a direct effect. 19 / 2019. What is the name for the outermost solid layer of the Earth? A. Mantle B. Asthenosphere Answer: C. Crust D. Core Explanation: The crust is the Earth’s thinnest and outermost layer, composed of solid rock. 20 / 2020. What is the name for the process by which earthquake waves change direction when encountering different materials? A. Diffraction B. Reflection C. Refraction D. Dispersion Answer: Explanation: Refraction occurs when seismic waves bend as they pass through materials with different densities. Please insert your information to see your ranking अपनी Ranking जानने के लिए कृपया अपनी जानकारी भरे NamePhone Number Your score isThe average score is 0% 0% Restart quiz Category: Class 11 Geography Quizzes in English