Writing and City Life Ch (1) Practice Quiz in English Part 2 || Class 11 History Practice Quizzes in English Posted on March 8, 2025March 8, 2025 by Anshul Gupta0% 0 votes, 0 avg 6 Writing and City Life Ch (1)Practice Quiz in English Part 2 || Class 11 History Practice Quizzes in English 1 / 201. What were the earliest Mesopotamian tablets mostly about? A. Literary works B. Religious texts C. Lists of goods D. Royal decrees Explanation: The earliest Mesopotamian tablets were primarily lists of goods brought into or distributed from temples. 2 / 202. How did people in Ur manage rainwater in their houses? A. Terracotta pipes B. Street drains C. Underground tanks D. Sumps in courtyards Explanation: Rainwater was channeled from roofs into sumps located in the inner courtyards of houses in Ur. 3 / 203. What is the name of the writing system developed in Mesopotamia? A. Alphabet B. Cuneiform C. Hieroglyphics D. Pictograms Explanation: The writing system developed in Mesopotamia is called cuneiform. 4 / 204. Where did the first cities develop? A. China B. Egypt C. Mesopotamia D. Indus Valley Explanation: The first cities developed in Mesopotamia, the land between the Euphrates and Tigris rivers. 5 / 205. What was the name of the king who built the great palace at Mari? A. Assurbanipal B. Gilgamesh C. Enmerkar D. Zimrilim Explanation: King Zimrilim built the great palace at Mari, which served as a royal residence, administrative center, and production site. 6 / 206. Which of these was NOT a feature of houses in Ur? A. Irregular shapes of house plots B. Narrow, winding streets C. Inner courtyards D. Street drains Explanation: Houses in Ur lacked street drains, unlike those found in Mohenjo-daro. 7 / 207. What was the main economic activity of the kingdom of Mari? A. Agriculture B. Manufacturing C. Trade D. Pastoralism Explanation: Mari prospered as an urban center due to its strategic location on the Euphrates, facilitating trade in various goods. 8 / 208. What was the purpose of cylinder seals in Mesopotamia? A. Decoration B. Religious symbols C. Currency D. Authentication Explanation: Cylinder seals were used for authentication, indicating the owner’s role in public life and ensuring the safety of goods. 9 / 209. What was the primary mode of transportation within the city of Ur? A. Donkeys B. Chariots C. Boats D. Wheeled carts Explanation: Due to narrow streets, donkeys were the primary mode of transportation for goods within Ur. 10 / 2010. What does the Gilgamesh Epic reveal about Mesopotamian values? A. Pride in city building B. A focus on the afterlife C. The pursuit of individual glory D. The importance of family lineage Explanation: The Gilgamesh Epic demonstrates the Mesopotamian pride in their cities and the accomplishments of their rulers. 11 / 2011. What material were Mesopotamian tablets made of? A. Papyrus B. Stone C. Clay D. Wood Explanation: Mesopotamian tablets were made of clay, which was then dried in the sun to preserve the writing. 12 / 2012. What mathematical concept did the Mesopotamians have a sophisticated understanding of? A. Square root of 2 B. Pi C. Calculus D. Algebra Explanation: Mesopotamian tablets show their advanced understanding of mathematical concepts, including the square root of 2. 13 / 2013. What was the main industrial material for tools and weapons in Mesopotamia? A. Bronze B. Copper C. Iron D. Stone Explanation: Bronze, an alloy of copper and tin, was the primary material for tools and weapons in Mesopotamia. 14 / 2014. What was a significant technological advancement related to urban economies in Mesopotamia? A. The use of metal tools B. The invention of the wheel C. The development of irrigation D. The potter's wheel Explanation: The potter’s wheel was a significant technological advancement in Mesopotamia, allowing for the mass production of pottery. 15 / 2015. What was the purpose of Assurbanipal’s library? A. Preservation of knowledge B. Entertainment C. Public education D. Religious instruction Explanation: Assurbanipal’s library aimed to preserve Mesopotamian knowledge and literature for future generations. 16 / 2016. What is considered the greatest legacy of Mesopotamia? A. Scholarly tradition B. Art and architecture C. Religious beliefs D. Political systems Explanation: Mesopotamia’s greatest legacy is its scholarly tradition, particularly in mathematics and time reckoning. 17 / 2017. What was a unique feature of Mesopotamian seals compared to those in India? A. They were cylindrical B. They were made of stone C. They had inscriptions D. They were used for trade Explanation: Mesopotamian seals were cylindrical and rolled on clay, unlike the stamped seals found in India. 18 / 2018. What was the typical family structure in Mesopotamian society? A. Matriarchal family B. Joint family C. Extended family D. Nuclear family Explanation: The nuclear family, consisting of a man, his wife, and children, was the norm in Mesopotamian society. 19 / 2019. What is the name of the earliest known language of Mesopotamia? A. Akkadian B. Hebrew C. Aramaic D. Sumerian Explanation: The first known language of Mesopotamia was Sumerian. 20 / 2020. Which Assyrian king collected a famous library at Nineveh? A. Sargon B. Nabonidus C. Assurbanipal D. Zimrilim Explanation: King Assurbanipal of Assyria amassed a vast library of cuneiform tablets at Nineveh. 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