Writing and City Life Ch (1) Practice Quiz in English Part 3 || Class 11 History Practice Quizzes in English Posted on March 8, 2025March 8, 2025 by Anshul Gupta0% 0 votes, 0 avg 6 Writing and City Life Ch (1)Practice Quiz in English Part 3 || Class 11 History Practice Quizzes in English 1 / 201. What was the purpose of the clay cones found in temple walls at Uruk? A. Structural support B. Drainage C. Religious symbols D. Decoration Explanation: Clay cones were used to create colorful mosaics on temple walls in Uruk.2 / 202. What was the main reason for the success of Mesopotamian agriculture despite limited rainfall? A. Fertile soil from river silt B. Genetic modification of crops C. Favorable climate D. Advanced farming techniques Explanation: The Euphrates and Tigris rivers provided fertile silt, enabling successful agriculture in Mesopotamia despite the arid climate.3 / 203. What was the primary purpose of the defensive wall built at Uruk? A. To mark the city boundaries B. To control trade C. To protect against flooding D. To provide security in times of conflict Explanation: The defensive wall at Uruk served to protect the city from attacks and raids.4 / 204. Which king attempted to revive the role of High Priestess in Ur? A. Assurbanipal B. Sargon C. Nebuchadnezzar D. Nabonidus Explanation: King Nabonidus of Babylon sought to revive the forgotten role of High Priestess in Ur, even replicating the attire from ancient depictions.5 / 205. What does the discovery of ration lists in Mesopotamian cities indicate? A. The presence of a welfare system B. The role of temples in redistribution C. The importance of trade D. The existence of social hierarchy Explanation: Ration lists highlight the function of temples in redistributing resources and managing labor in Mesopotamian cities.6 / 206. What was the main source of wealth for the ruling elite in Mesopotamian cities? A. Religious offerings B. Tribute and labor C. Agriculture D. Trade Explanation: The ruling elite in Mesopotamian cities primarily derived their wealth from tribute and forced labor extracted from the population.7 / 207. What was the nature of the Assyrian economy during its peak? A. Agricultural B. Predatory C. Mercantile D. Pastoral Explanation: The Assyrian empire, at its peak, had a predatory economy, extracting resources and labor from conquered populations.8 / 208. What does the story of Enmerkar and the messenger convey about the Mesopotamian view of writing? A. Writing was accessible to all members of society. B. Writing was primarily used for literary expression. C. Writing was a sign of Mesopotamian cultural superiority. D. Writing was seen as a sacred and divine gift. Explanation: The story of Enmerkar and the messenger suggests that writing was perceived as a mark of the advanced urban culture of Mesopotamia.9 / 209. What was the main reason for the relocation of villages in Mesopotamian history? A. Trade routes B. Overpopulation C. Environmental changes D. Political conflicts Explanation: Villages were often relocated due to changes in river courses, flooding, and other environmental factors.10 / 2010. What was the primary reason for the decline of Sumerian as a spoken language? A. The decline of Mesopotamian civilization B. The Assyrian conquest C. The rise of Akkadian D. The influence of Aramaic Explanation: Sumerian gradually declined as Akkadian became the dominant language in Mesopotamia.11 / 2011. What was the significance of the discovery of the stele of an early king by Nabonidus? A. It proved the historical accuracy of the Bible. B. It demonstrated the advanced technology of the past. C. It provided information about ancient religious practices. D. It revealed the location of a hidden treasure. Explanation: The stele helped Nabonidus understand and revive ancient religious practices, particularly the role of the High Priestess.12 / 2012. What was the primary reason for conflict in early Mesopotamian villages? A. Land and water B. Cultural clashes C. Religious differences D. Trade disputes Explanation: Conflict often arose in early Mesopotamian villages due to disputes over land and water resources.13 / 2013. What motivated early Mesopotamian rulers to build and enhance temples? A. To appease the gods and prevent natural disasters B. To provide employment C. To gain status and authority D. Personal religious devotion Explanation: By building and enhancing temples, early Mesopotamian rulers aimed to increase their status and authority within the community.14 / 2014. What was the significance of the development of writing in Mesopotamia? A. It led to the creation of literature. B. It facilitated the development of science and mathematics. C. It allowed for communication with other civilizations. D. It enabled complex record-keeping for trade and administration. Explanation: The development of writing was crucial for complex record-keeping, especially in trade and administration, in Mesopotamian cities.15 / 2015. What does the absence of town planning in Ur suggest? A. Limited technological development B. A nomadic lifestyle C. A focus on organic growth D. A lack of centralized authority Explanation: The lack of town planning in Ur points towards a more organic and less regulated urban development.16 / 2016. What was the primary motivation for the development of writing in Mesopotamia? A. To record religious beliefs B. To create literary works C. To keep records of transactions D. To communicate with neighboring civilizations Explanation: The need to keep track of various transactions in city life was a major driver in the development of writing in Mesopotamia.17 / 2017. What was the primary function of schools in Mesopotamian cities? A. Vocational training B. Religious instruction C. Military training D. Scribal education Explanation: Schools in Mesopotamian cities focused on training scribes to read, write, and maintain records.18 / 2018. What was the significance of Mari’s location for its economy? A. It was a center for agricultural production. B. It was a source of valuable minerals. C. It was a hub for manufacturing. D. It was strategically positioned for trade. Explanation: Mari’s location on the Euphrates River made it a crucial point for trade between the south and the resource-rich northern regions.19 / 2019. What was the significance of the development of bronze tools in Mesopotamia? A. They enabled more intricate crafts and artwork. B. They facilitated the construction of large buildings. C. They improved transportation. D. They led to advancements in agriculture. Explanation: Bronze tools allowed for greater precision and detail in crafts and artwork, as seen in sculptures and seals from Mesopotamia.20 / 2020. What does the discovery of pig bones in a house burial at Abu Salabikh suggest? A. Pigs were a common food source. B. Pigs were kept as pets. C. Pigs were used as sacrificial offerings. D. Pigs were considered sacred animals. Explanation: The presence of pig bones in a burial indicates that pork was likely a part of the Mesopotamian diet.Please insert your information to see your ranking अपनी Ranking जानने के लिए कृपया अपनी जानकारी भरे NamePhone Number Your score isThe average score is 47% 0% Restart quiz Category: Class 11 History Quizzes in English