An Empire Across Three Continents Ch (2) Practice Quiz in English Part 3 || Class 11 History Practice Quizzes in English Posted on March 8, 2025March 8, 2025 by Anshul Gupta0% 0 votes, 0 avg 0 An Empire Across Three Continents Ch (2)Practice Quiz in English Part 3 || Class 11 History Practice Quizzes in English 1 / 201. What was the name of the emperor who built the eastern frontier city of Dara in less than three weeks? A. Augustus B. Anastasius C. Justinian D. Constantine Explanation: the late-fifth-century emperor Anastasius built the eastern frontier city of Dara. 2 / 202. What was the name of the emperor who abandoned territories with little strategic or economic value? A. Justinian B. Constantine C. Diocletian D. Theodosius II Explanation: overexpansion had led Diocletian to ‘cut back’ by abandoning territories with little strategic or economic value. 3 / 203. What was the worst method of organizing production according to Pliny the Elder? A. Slave gangs B. None of the above C. Wage labor D. Debt bondage Explanation: Pliny the Elder condemned the use of slave gangs as the worst method of organizing production. 4 / 204. What was the name of the plague that affected the Mediterranean in the 540s? A. Black Death B. None of the above C. Antonine Plague D. Plague of Justinian Explanation: the plague that affected the Mediterranean in the 540s as the Plague of Justinian. 5 / 205. What was the name of the city built by Anastasius on the eastern frontier? A. Nicaea B. Edessa C. None of the above D. Dara Explanation: the late-fifth-century emperor Anastasius built the eastern frontier city of Dara. 6 / 206. What was the name of the desert that formed the southern boundary of the Roman Empire? A. Nubian Desert B. Arabian Desert C. Sahara Desert D. Syrian Desert Explanation: the southern boundary of the Roman Empire was formed by the Sahara Desert. 7 / 207. What was the name of the first city built in North America? A. Teotihuacan B. Cahokia C. None of the above D. Tikal Explanation: The timeline in the text states that the first city was built in North America around 990 CE. This city is known as Cahokia. 8 / 208. What was the name of the plant used to produce a writing material in Egypt? A. Papyrus B. Papyrus C. Papyrus D. Papyrus Explanation: ‘papyrus’ was a reed-like plant used to produce a writing material. 9 / 209. What was the name of the city buried in a volcanic eruption in 79 CE? A. Pompeii B. Herculaneum C. Oplontis D. Stabiae Explanation: Pompeii was buried in a volcanic eruption in 79 CE. 10 / 2010. What was the name of the language group dominant in the Near East? A. Coptic B. Berber C. Punic D. Aramaic Explanation: Aramaic was the dominant language group of the Near East. 11 / 2011. What was the name of the historian who described the leading social groups of the early empire? A. Columella B. None of the above C. Tacitus D. Pliny the Elder Explanation: Tacitus described the leading social groups of the early empire. 12 / 2012. What was the name of the Maori navigator who ‘discovered’ New Zealand? A. Toi B. Ui-te-Rangiora C. None of the above D. Kupe Explanation: The timeline in a Maori navigator from Polynesia ‘discovered’ New Zealand. This navigator is known as Kupe. 13 / 2013. What was the name of the rock inscription in which Shapur I claimed to have annihilated a Roman army of 60,000? A. Ka'ba-ye Zartosht B. Behistun Inscription C. None of the above D. Naqsh-e Rostam Explanation: Rock inscription in which Shapur I made his claim as ‘Naqsh-e Rostam.’ 14 / 2014. What was the name of the Jewish revolt in 66 CE? A. The Great Jewish Revolt B. The Bar Kokhba Revolt C. The Jewish War D. The Kitos War Explanation: Jewish revolt of 66 CE is called the ‘great Jewish revolt.’ 15 / 2015. What was the name of the volcanic eruption that buried Pompeii in 79 CE? A. Stromboli B. Vulcano C. Etna D. Vesuvius Explanation: Pompeii was buried in a volcanic eruption of Vesuvius in 79 CE. 16 / 2016. What was the name of the second most powerful and wealthy group in Roman society? A. Senators B. None of the above C. Humiliores D. Equites Explanation: the equites ‘knights’ or ‘horsemen’) were traditionally the second most powerful and wealthy group. 17 / 2017. What was the name of the historian who wrote ‘The History of the English Church and People’? A. Bede B. Augustine C. Pliny the Elder D. Tacitus Explanation: The timeline in Bede wrote ‘The History of the English Church and People.’ 18 / 2018. What was the name of the coin of 4 1/2 gm of pure gold introduced by Constantine? A. Solidus B. Denarius C. Amphora D. Mapalia Explanation: Constantine introduced a new denomination, the solidus, a coin of 4 1/2 gm of pure gold. 19 / 2019. What was the name of the type of family that was widespread in Roman society? A. Joint family B. Nuclear family C. None of the above D. Extended family Explanation: the widespread prevalence of the nuclear family was one of the more modern features of Roman society. 20 / 2020. What was the name of the body that controlled Rome when it was a Republic? A. Senate B. Monarchy C. Principate D. Tetrarchy Explanation: the Senate had controlled Rome earlier, in the days when it was a Republic. Please insert your information to see your ranking अपनी Ranking जानने के लिए कृपया अपनी जानकारी भरे NamePhone Number Your score isThe average score is 0% 0% Restart quiz Category: Class 11 History Quizzes in English