The Three Orders Ch (4) Practice Quiz in English Part 3 || Class 11 History Practice Quizzes in English Posted on March 8, 2025March 8, 2025 by Anshul Gupta0% 0 votes, 0 avg 1 The Three Orders Ch (4)Practice Quiz in English Part 3 || Class 11 History Practice Quizzes in English 1 / 201. What was the primary advantage of the three-field system of crop rotation? A. It allowed for the production of more food from less land. B. It improved the soil fertility and prevented its exhaustion. C. It reduced the amount of labor required for agriculture. D. It allowed for the cultivation of a wider variety of crops. Explanation: The three-field system of crop rotation allowed for the production of more food from less land by enabling the cultivation of two different crops in a field over a period of two years, with the third year left fallow.2 / 202. What was the primary reason for the development of new trade routes with West Asia in the eleventh century? A. The Crusades and the increased contact between Europe and the East. B. The rise of the new monarchs and their policies to promote trade. C. The decline of the Roman Empire and the opening of new markets. D. The technological advancements in shipbuilding and navigation. Explanation: The Crusades, a series of religious wars, led to increased contact between Europe and the East, contributing to the development of new trade routes with West Asia.3 / 203. What was the primary function of the heavy iron-tipped ploughs and mould-boards? A. To fight wars and defend territories. B. To transport goods and people across the land. C. To construct buildings and fortifications. D. To cultivate the land and improve agricultural yields. Explanation: Heavy iron-tipped ploughs and mould-boards were technological advancements that allowed for deeper ploughing and better utilization of the soil, leading to improved agricultural yields.4 / 204. What was the primary reason for the replacement of the neck-harness with the shoulder-harness in agriculture? A. To enable animals to exert greater power in ploughing. B. To improve the comfort and well-being of the animals. C. To reduce the cost and maintenance of the harness. D. To make it easier to control and guide the animals. Explanation: The shoulder-harness allowed animals to exert greater power in ploughing compared to the neck-harness, leading to more efficient cultivation of the land.5 / 205. What was the primary function of the guild-hall in medieval towns? A. It was a court for administering justice and resolving disputes. B. It was a market place for trade and commerce. C. It was a meeting place for the heads of all the guilds. D. It served as a place of worship and religious ceremonies. Explanation: The guild-hall was a building in medieval towns where the heads of all the guilds met formally to discuss matters related to trade and commerce.6 / 206. What was the primary reason for the popularity of minstrels in feudal society? A. They provided entertainment and news in an age of limited literacy. B. They were employed by the nobility to promote their political agendas. C. They served as religious figures and spread Christian teachings. D. They were skilled craftsmen and contributed to the economy. Explanation: Minstrels were traveling singers who provided entertainment and news in an age when literacy was limited, making them popular figures in feudal society.7 / 207. What was the primary reason for the ban on serfs becoming priests? A. To prevent the spread of heretical ideas and beliefs. B. To ensure the purity and sanctity of the priesthood. C. To protect the economic interests of the nobility. D. To maintain the social hierarchy and the power of the clergy. Explanation: The ban on serfs becoming priests served to maintain the social hierarchy and the power of the clergy, ensuring that the priesthood remained exclusive to those of higher social standing.8 / 208. What was the significance of the saying “Town air makes free”? A. It emphasized the religious freedom enjoyed in towns. B. It highlighted the importance of trade and commerce in towns. C. It described the healthier living conditions in towns compared to rural areas. D. It reflected the desire for freedom from the lord's control. Explanation: The saying “Town air makes free” reflected the desire of many serfs to escape the control of their lords and seek freedom and opportunities in towns.9 / 209. What was the primary reason for the introduction of iron horseshoes in agriculture? A. To make it easier to control and guide the animals. B. To protect the animals' feet from decay. C. To reduce the cost and maintenance of the animals. D. To improve the animals' speed and agility. Explanation: Iron horseshoes were introduced to protect the animals’ feet from decay, ensuring their health and ability to work in the fields.10 / 2010. What was the primary reason for the decline of monasticism in the fourteenth century? A. The rise of the new monarchs and their suppression of religious institutions. B. The growing uncertainty about the value and purpose of monasticism. C. The influence of the Renaissance and the focus on worldly affairs. D. The Black Death and the resulting population decline. Explanation: By the fourteenth century, there was growing uncertainty about the value and purpose of monasticism, with some criticizing the luxurious lifestyles of certain monks and contrasting it with the simple faith of the common people.11 / 2011. What was the primary reason for the increase in the average lifespan of Europeans by the thirteenth century? A. The rise of the new monarchs and their public health policies. B. The decline in warfare and conflict. C. The improvement in medical knowledge and healthcare. D. The increase in food availability and better nutrition. Explanation: The increase in food availability and better nutrition, due to advancements in agriculture and the three-field system, contributed to a longer lifespan for Europeans by the thirteenth century.12 / 2012. What was the primary reason for the failure of the lords to reimpose labor services after the Black Death? A. The resistance of the peasantry and the growth of the money economy. B. The decline in agricultural production and the need for skilled labor. C. The influence of the Church in promoting social justice. D. The intervention of the new monarchs in support of the peasantry. Explanation: The lords’ attempts to reimpose labor services were met with resistance from the peasantry, who had become accustomed to the money economy and were unwilling to return to the old feudal obligations.13 / 2013. What was the primary reason for the development of cathedral-towns? A. The patronage of wealthy merchants and their donations to churches. B. The growth of population and the need for larger places of worship. C. The rise of the new monarchs and their support for the Church. D. The desire of the Church to establish control over the surrounding areas. Explanation: Wealthy merchants often made donations to churches, contributing to the construction of large cathedrals, which in turn led to the development of towns around them.14 / 2014. What was the primary reason for the growth of new towns in Europe from the eleventh century? A. The rise of the new monarchs and their policies. B. The decline of feudalism and the rise of the merchant class. C. The Black Death and the resulting population decline. D. The increase in agricultural production and the need for trading centers. Explanation: The increase in agricultural production led to a surplus of goods, which in turn fueled the growth of new towns as centers for trade and commerce.15 / 2015. What was the primary reason for the shift of craftsmen from traveling to settling in towns? A. The rise of the new monarchs and their policies to promote urban development. B. The decline of feudalism and the rise of the merchant class. C. The increase in agricultural production and the availability of food in towns. D. The growth of trade and the demand for specialized skills. Explanation: The growth of trade and the demand for specialized skills led craftsmen to settle in towns, where they could more easily produce and trade their goods.16 / 2016. What was the primary function of monasteries in medieval Europe? A. To serve as centers of trade and commerce. B. To provide a place for devout Christians to live isolated lives of prayer and study. C. To offer education and healthcare to the community. D. To provide military training and defense. Explanation: Monasteries were religious communities where devout Christians could live isolated lives, dedicating their time to prayer, study, and manual labor.17 / 2017. What was the significance of the Estates-General in France? A. It was a consultative assembly that was rarely called by the king. B. It was a representative assembly that limited the power of the monarchy. C. It was a council of nobles that advised the king on matters of war and peace. D. It was a court that administered justice and resolved disputes. Explanation: The Estates-General was a consultative assembly in France that was rarely called by the king, as the monarchs sought to centralize power and avoid sharing it with the three orders.18 / 2018. What was the primary function of stained glass windows in cathedrals? A. To create a sense of awe and mystery for worshippers. B. To narrate stories from the Bible for illiterate people. C. To provide ventilation and natural light. D. To display the wealth and artistic taste of the donors. Explanation: Stained glass windows in cathedrals served to narrate stories from the Bible through pictures, making them accessible to those who could not read.19 / 2019. What was the primary means by which the new monarchs ensured the cooperation of the nobility? A. Military force and intimidation. B. Democratic elections and representation. C. Patronage and the distribution of favors. D. Religious authority and influence. Explanation: The new monarchs used patronage, the distribution of favors and positions, to ensure the cooperation of the nobility and maintain their loyalty.20 / 2020. What was the primary cause of the increase in wages for laborers in the aftermath of the Black Death? A. The shortage of labor due to the population decline. B. The rise of the new monarchs and their policies. C. The increase in trade and commerce. D. The decline in agricultural production. Explanation: The Black Death caused a significant population decline, leading to a shortage of labor and an increase in wages for those who survived.Please insert your information to see your ranking अपनी Ranking जानने के लिए कृपया अपनी जानकारी भरे NamePhone Number Your score isThe average score is 10% 0% Restart quiz Category: Class 11 History Quizzes in English