Sociology and Society Ch(1) Book – 1 Practice Quiz in English Part – 2 || Class 11 Sociology Practice Quizzes in English Posted on March 1, 2025March 1, 2025 by Anshul Gupta0% 0 votes, 0 avg 0 Sociology and Society Ch(1) Book – 1Practice Quiz in English Part – 2 || Class 11 Sociology Practice Quizzes in English 1 / 201. What is the significance of the quote from Karl Marx about the East India Company? A. It demonstrates the destructive consequences of British economic policies on Indian manufacturing. B. It highlights the positive impact of British colonialism on Indian industries. C. It suggests that Indian industries were already in decline before colonialism. D. It emphasizes the role of free trade in promoting economic development. Explanation: Marx’s quote illustrates how British policies led to the decline of Indian cotton manufacturing, highlighting the negative impact of colonialism.2 / 202. Why is the distinction between sociology and social anthropology less rigid in India? A. Because India's social reality encompasses both complex urban societies and diverse rural communities. B. Because sociology and social anthropology are taught as a single subject in Indian universities. C. Because Indian scholars rejected the Western division between the two disciplines. D. Because Indian society is homogeneous and lacks diversity. Explanation: The diversity of Indian society, with its mix of tradition and modernity, blurs the lines between the traditional subject matter of sociology and social anthropology.3 / 203. What is the key difference between the traditional approaches of history and sociology? A. History uses quantitative methods, while sociology uses qualitative methods. B. History focuses on concrete details, while sociology tends to abstract and generalize. C. History studies the past, while sociology studies the present. D. History seeks to establish causal relationships, while sociology delineates actual events. Explanation: The chapter contrasts the historical focus on specific events and details with the sociological tendency to identify patterns and make generalizations about social phenomena.4 / 204. How has the relationship between history and sociology changed over time? A. The two disciplines have become completely separate and unrelated. B. Historians have abandoned the study of the past in favour of analysing contemporary social issues. C. Sociology has become more historical, focusing on the study of past societies. D. History has become more sociological, incorporating social history and sociological methods. Explanation: The chapter notes the increasing interaction between history and sociology, with historians adopting sociological methods and concepts to analyse social patterns and changes over time.5 / 205. What is the scope of sociological study? A. It encompasses the study of both micro-level interactions and macro-level social processes. B. It focuses solely on large-scale social structures and institutions. C. It is limited to the analysis of individual behaviour. D. It is restricted to the study of Western societies. Explanation: Sociology examines a wide range of social phenomena, from individual interactions to global social processes.6 / 206. How does the feminist perspective contribute to the need for interdisciplinary approaches in social sciences? A. All of the above. B. It challenges the traditional focus on male-dominated social institutions. C. It highlights the importance of studying gender roles and inequalities in various social contexts. D. It promotes the inclusion of women's experiences and perspectives in research. Explanation: Feminist theories emphasize the significance of gender in understanding various social domains, promoting a more inclusive and interdisciplinary approach.7 / 207. What is the main advantage of the highly focused and coherent discipline of economics? A. It promotes interdisciplinary collaboration with other social sciences. B. It allows for a deeper understanding of social and cultural factors. C. It facilitates the development of precise terminology and measures. D. It avoids making any simplifying assumptions about human behavior. Explanation: The chapter acknowledges the precision and focus of economics as a discipline, which allows for the development of specific concepts and tools for analysis.8 / 208. Why is it important to understand that the divisions among social science disciplines are not clear-cut? A. Because social phenomena are interconnected and require interdisciplinary analysis. B. Because the boundaries between disciplines are arbitrary and artificial. C. Because interdisciplinary approaches are necessary to address complex social issues. D. All of the above. Explanation: The chapter emphasizes the interconnectedness of social issues and the value of interdisciplinary collaboration in understanding them.9 / 209. What is the main difference between the classical economic approach and the political economy approach? A. Classical economics emphasizes market forces, while political economy considers the broader context of ownership and power relations. B. Classical economics uses quantitative methods, while political economy uses qualitative methods. C. There is no difference between the two approaches. D. Classical economics focuses on individual behaviour, while political economy focuses on social structures. Explanation: The chapter contrasts the narrow focus of classical economics on market exchange with the political economy approach that analyses economic activity within a wider social and political framework.10 / 2010. What is the key difference between sociology and social anthropology in the Western context? A. Sociology focuses on the industrialized world, while social anthropology studies non-Western societies. B. Sociology uses quantitative methods, while social anthropology uses qualitative methods. C. There is no difference between the two disciplines. D. Sociology studies simple societies, while social anthropology studies complex societies. Explanation: The chapter points out the traditional Western distinction where sociology studies modern, complex societies, and social anthropology studies simpler, non-Western societies.11 / 2011. Why is the study of the beginnings and growth of sociology in Europe relevant to understanding social change in India? A. Because sociology originated in Europe and has no relevance to India. B. Because Indian society was not affected by colonialism and industrialization. C. Because the history of India is closely linked to the history of British capitalism and colonialism. D. Because European societies are more advanced than Indian society. Explanation: The chapter emphasizes the connection between India’s colonial past and the development of modern capitalism in Europe, making the study of European sociology relevant to understanding social change in India.12 / 2012. What is the significance of the example of the advertisement industry in the discussion of sociology and economics? A. It emphasizes the importance of rational decision-making in economic choices. B. It highlights the role of cultural factors in influencing economic activity. C. It demonstrates how economic forces shape consumer behaviour. D. It suggests that advertising has no impact on people's consumption patterns. Explanation: The example of advertising illustrates how cultural norms and values are intertwined with economic behaviour, a key concern for sociology.13 / 2013. How did Western writers often portray Indian villages in the 19th century? A. As dynamic and progressive communities. B. As sources of cultural innovation. C. As models for modern social organization. D. As remnants of a primitive past. Explanation: Western writers, influenced by evolutionary ideas, viewed Indian villages as unchanging and backward compared to Western societies.14 / 2014. What was the significance of ‘clock-time’ in the context of industrial capitalism? A. It had no particular significance in the context of industrialization. B. It symbolized the importance of leisure time. C. It reflected the shift from agricultural to industrial work rhythms. D. It represented the decline of religious beliefs. Explanation: The emphasis on clock-time became a defining feature of industrial capitalism, regulating work schedules and emphasizing efficiency.15 / 2015. How does sociology contribute to the study of politics? A. It focuses solely on the formal structures of government. B. It avoids making any value judgments about political systems. C. It restricts itself to the study of voting patterns and election outcomes. D. It analyses political behaviour within the broader context of social relations and institutions. Explanation: Sociology enriches the study of politics by considering how political behaviour is shaped by social factors such as class, gender, ethnicity, and culture.16 / 2016. How does sociology approach the study of economic behaviour? A. It ignores the role of culture and social relations in economic activity. B. It seeks to formulate precise laws of economic behaviour. C. It focuses solely on the quantitative analysis of economic data. D. It considers economic behaviour within the context of social norms, values, and institutions. Explanation: Sociology broadens the understanding of economic behaviour by considering the social and cultural factors that influence it.17 / 2017. How did colonialism influence the development of sociology in India? A. It created a tension between Western ideas and the unique characteristics of Indian society. B. It led to the direct transplantation of Western sociological theories and methods to India. C. It discouraged Indian scholars from engaging with sociological issues. D. It had no impact on the development of sociology in India. Explanation: Indian sociology grappled with Western perspectives on Indian society, leading to a critical and reflexive approach.18 / 2018. What is the significance of R.K. Laxman’s travelogue about Mauritius? A. It highlights the cultural diversity and cosmopolitan nature of Mauritius. B. It emphasizes the importance of preserving traditional cultures in the face of globalization. C. It illustrates the impact of western capitalism and colonialism on the world. D. It suggests that cultural differences are a source of conflict and tension. Explanation: Laxman’s observations about the diverse population of Mauritius reflect the historical consequences of western expansion and colonialism.19 / 2019. What is the main criticism of conventional political science from a sociological perspective? A. Its emphasis on power relations ignores the role of social institutions. B. Its focus on political theory and government administration neglects the study of actual political behaviour. C. Its use of qualitative methods limits its ability to make generalizations. D. Its interdisciplinary approach makes it difficult to establish a clear scope. Explanation: Sociology critiques traditional political science for its limited focus on formal political institutions and its lack of attention to the actual behavior of individuals and groups in the political arena.20 / 2020. According to Karl Marx, what was the potential liberating aspect of factory production? A. The possibility of escaping traditional social hierarchies. B. The potential for increased wages and improved living conditions. C. The chance for workers to learn collective action and organization. D. The opportunity for individual expression and creativity. Explanation: Marx saw the factory as a site where workers could develop a sense of solidarity and organize for better working conditions. Please insert your information to see your ranking अपनी Ranking जानने के लिए कृपया अपनी जानकारी भरे NamePhone Number Your score isThe average score is 0% 0% Restart quiz Category: Class 11 Sociology Quizzes in English