Social Structure, Stratification and Social Processes in Society Ch(1) Book – 2 Practice Quiz in English Part – 1 || Class 11 Sociology Practice Quizzes in English Posted on March 1, 2025March 1, 2025 by Anshul Gupta0% 0 votes, 0 avg 0 Social Structure, Stratification and Social Processes in Society Ch(1) Book – 2Practice Quiz in English Part – 1 || Class 11 Sociology Practice Quizzes in English 1 / 201. What does the term “accommodation” refer to in the functionalist perspective? A. The absence of conflict in society. B. The overt expression of conflict. C. The domination of one group over another. D. An effort to compromise and co-exist despite conflict. Explanation: In the functionalist perspective, accommodation refers to the compromise and co-existence that can occur despite the presence of conflict. 2 / 202. What are the two forms of solidarity that Durkheim distinguishes between? A. Traditional and modern solidarity. B. Individualistic and collectivist solidarity. C. Mechanical and organic solidarity. D. Rural and urban solidarity. Explanation: Durkheim differentiates between mechanical solidarity, which is based on sameness, and organic solidarity, which is based on the division of labor and interdependence. 3 / 203. What does the functionalist perspective focus on? A. The unequal distribution of resources and power in society. B. The historical changes in forms of cooperation. C. The individual's agency in changing social structures. D. The 'system requirements' of society and the functions of different parts of society. Explanation: The functionalist perspective is primarily concerned with the ‘system requirements’ of society and the functions of its different parts. 4 / 204. What are the two main sociological perspectives discussed in the chapter? A. Functionalist and conflict perspectives. B. Modernist and postmodernist perspectives. C. Individualist and collectivist perspectives. D. Rural and urban perspectives. Explanation: The chapter discusses two main sociological perspectives: functionalist and conflict perspectives. 5 / 205. What is the basis of Emile Durkheim’s understanding of cooperation? A. The shared beliefs and sentiments of a society. B. The natural tendency for humans to be altruistic. C. The division of labor and resulting interdependence. D. Solidarity, the moral force of society. Explanation: Durkheim’s understanding of cooperation is based on the concept of solidarity, which he sees as the moral force of society. 6 / 206. What are the underlying assumptions of capitalism? A. Conflict, inequality, and social change. B. Cooperation, equality, and social harmony. C. Expansion of trade, division of labor, specialization, and rising productivity. D. Tradition, stability, and social order. Explanation: The text lists the underlying assumptions of capitalism as expansion of trade, division of labor, specialization, and rising productivity. 7 / 207. What are the three basic forms of advantage that privileged groups may enjoy? A. Family, community, and nation. B. Education, health, and leisure. C. Life chances, social status, and political influence. D. Wealth, power, and prestige. Explanation: The text identifies three basic forms of advantage: life chances, social status, and political influence. 8 / 208. What does Marx’s term “alienation” refer to? A. The distinction between human life and animal life. B. The loss of control on the part of workers over the concrete content of labor and its products. C. The enforced cooperation in a capitalist society. D. The conflict between the factory owner and the factory worker. Explanation: Marx’s term “alienation” refers to the loss of control that workers experience over their labor and its products. 9 / 209. What is the central concern of the sociological perspective? A. Understanding the interplay between personal problems and social issues. B. Understanding the differences between rural and urban societies. C. Understanding the history of western social thinkers and Indian sociologists. D. Understanding the dialectical relationship between the individual and society. Explanation: The text states that one of the central concerns of the sociological perspective is to understand the relationship between the individual and society. 10 / 2010. What is social stratification? A. The conflict between different social groups. B. The existence of structured inequalities between groups in society. C. The random distribution of inequality between individuals in society. D. The process of social change and development. Explanation: Social stratification is defined as the structured inequalities between groups in society, particularly in terms of access to resources. 11 / 2011. What does the term “social structure” refer to? A. The physical structure of a building. B. Random assortments of events or actions. C. Underlying regularities or patterns in how people behave and in the relationships they have with one another. D. The sum of individual acts. Explanation: The text defines social structure as the underlying regularities or patterns in people’s behavior and relationships. 12 / 2012. What are the three central concepts discussed in the chapter? A. Personal, social, and global. B. Western, Indian, and historical. C. Structure, stratification, and social processes. D. Rural, urban, and environmental. Explanation: The chapter focuses on the three central concepts of structure, stratification, and social processes. 13 / 2013. What does feminist analysis question? A. The existence of conflict in society. B. The role of the division of labor in social development. C. The importance of competition in modern society. D. The assumption that the family and household are harmonious units where cooperation is the dominant process. Explanation: Feminist analysis challenges the traditional view of the family and household as harmonious units driven by cooperation. 14 / 2014. What is the dominant ideology in capitalism? A. The ideology of competition. B. The ideology of cooperation. C. The ideology of individualism. D. The ideology of conflict. Explanation: The text states that the ideology of competition is the dominant ideology in capitalism. 15 / 2015. What does Karl Marx emphasize as distinctive of the human world? A. Altruism. B. Consciousness. C. Cooperation. D. Solidarity. Explanation: Marx emphasizes consciousness as a distinctive characteristic of the human world, in contrast to the animal world. 16 / 2016. What does Amartya Sen note the possibility of? A. Voluntary cooperation. B. Enforced cooperation. C. Conflict resolution. D. Open conflict. Explanation: Amartya Sen points out the possibility of enforced cooperation, where individuals or groups may appear to cooperate due to various pressures or constraints. 17 / 2017. What does the term “conflict” imply? A. Social change and development. B. Cooperation between groups. C. Clash of interests. D. Competition for resources. Explanation: Conflict is defined as a clash of interests. 18 / 2018. What is the central theme of capitalism? A. Rational individuals in free competition in the marketplace, each striving to maximize profits. B. The equitable distribution of wealth and resources. C. The collective ownership of the means of production. D. The pursuit of social justice and equality. Explanation: The central theme of capitalism is described as rational individuals competing freely in the market to maximize profits. 19 / 2019. What are the possible bases of conflict? A. Political ideologies and social movements. B. Class, caste, tribe, gender, ethnicity, or religious community. C. Individual differences and personal conflicts. D. Natural disasters and environmental problems. Explanation: The text lists various possible bases of conflict, including class, caste, tribe, gender, ethnicity, and religious community. 20 / 2020. What does the conflict perspective emphasize? A. The shared beliefs and sentiments that hold society together. B. The system requirements of society. C. The natural tendency for humans to cooperate. D. The potential for conflict and competition in societies where surplus is produced. Explanation: The conflict perspective highlights the potential for conflict and competition in societies with surplus production, as the dominant class appropriates the surplus. Please insert your information to see your ranking अपनी Ranking जानने के लिए कृपया अपनी जानकारी भरे NamePhone Number Your score isThe average score is 0% 0% Restart quiz Category: Class 11 Sociology Quizzes in English