Terms, Concepts and Their use in Sociology Ch(2) Book – 1 Practice Quiz in English Part – 2 || Class 11 Sociology Practice Quizzes in English Posted on March 1, 2025March 1, 2025 by Anshul Gupta0% 0 votes, 0 avg 0 Terms, Concepts and Their use in Sociology Ch(2) Book – 1Practice Quiz in English Part – 2 || Class 11 Sociology Practice Quizzes in English 1 / 201. What is a sanction? A. A type of social group B. A form of social stratification C. A method of social interaction D. A mode of reward or punishment that reinforces socially expected behavior Explanation: The text defines a sanction as a way to encourage or discourage certain behaviors to maintain social order.2 / 202. What is the term for the process of reinforcing some specific role for some member of the society? A. Role stereotyping B. Role conflict C. Role playing D. Role taking Explanation: Role stereotyping involves assigning fixed and rigid roles to individuals based on their social categories, such as gender or race. This can limit opportunities and perpetuate harmful stereotypes.3 / 203. What is the term for a social position that a person occupies voluntarily by personal ability, achievements, virtues, and choices? A. Role B. Prestige C. status D. status Explanation: An achieved status is a position that an individual earns or chooses based on their own efforts or merits. Examples include educational qualifications, income, and professional expertise.4 / 204. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of a class system? A. It is open and achievement-based. B. It is fixed and rigid, with little social mobility. C. It allows for individuals to change their social position through their own efforts. D. It is based on economic relations, prestige, or political power. Explanation: Unlike caste systems, class systems are more fluid and allow for social mobility. Individuals can move up or down the social hierarchy based on their achievements and circumstances.5 / 205. What is deviance? A. The process of social change B. Conformity to social norms C. Modes of action that do not conform to social norms D. The study of social groups Explanation: The passage defines deviance as actions that violate the norms or values of a particular society or group.6 / 206. Which of the following is an example of a negative sanction? A. A medal for bravery B. Imprisonment C. A promotion at work D. A pat on the back Explanation: A negative sanction is a punishment or penalty imposed for violating social norms. Imprisonment is a common example of a negative sanction used in formal social control.7 / 207. What is the term for the incompatibility among roles corresponding to one or more statuses? A. Status inconsistency B. Role conflict C. Role ambiguity D. Role strain Explanation: Role conflict occurs when there are conflicting expectations associated with different roles that an individual occupies. For example, a working parent may experience role conflict when trying to balance the demands of their job with their responsibilities at home.8 / 208. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of a primary group? A. Small size B. Intimate, face-to-face association C. A sense of belonging D. Formal and impersonal relationships Explanation: Formal and impersonal relationships are more characteristic of secondary groups, where interactions are often based on specific roles or goals. Primary groups, on the other hand, are defined by close, personal connections.9 / 209. Which of the following is an example of formal social control? A. Criticism B. Smiles C. Laughter D. Law Explanation: The text mentions law as an example of formal social control, which involves codified rules and institutions.10 / 2010. What is the term for a mode of reward or punishment that reinforces socially expected forms of behavior? A. Stratification B. Social control C. Deviance D. Sanction Explanation: Sanctions are mechanisms used to enforce social norms and can be positive (rewards) or negative (punishments). They play a crucial role in maintaining social order.11 / 2011. What is the term for the existence of structured inequalities between groups in society, in terms of their access to material or symbolic rewards? A. Social stratification B. Deviance C. Social control D. Sanction Explanation: Social stratification refers to the unequal distribution of resources and opportunities among different groups in society. This can be based on factors like class, caste, race, or gender.12 / 2012. What is the term for the social process, techniques, and strategies by which behaviors of individuals or groups are regulated? A. Stratification B. Social control C. Sanction D. Deviance Explanation: Social control encompasses all the ways in which societies try to ensure conformity to norms and maintain order. This can include both formal mechanisms like laws and informal mechanisms like social pressure.13 / 2013. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of a caste system? A. Social hierarchy is fixed and rigid. B. It often involves endogamy and ritual avoidance of contact with members of other castes. c C. An individual's position is determined by birth. D. It is based on achievement and open to social mobility. **Explanation:** Caste systems are characterized by their rigidity and lack of social mobility. Individuals are born into their caste and have little opportunity to change their social position.14 / 2014. Which perspective views social control as a way to impose the dominance of one group over others? A. Functionalist perspective B. Feminist perspective C. Conflict perspective D. Symbolic interactionist perspective Explanation: The passage explains that conflict theorists see social control as a tool used by powerful groups to maintain their control over society.15 / 2015. Which of the following is NOT an example of a quasi group? A. A family having dinner together B. A crowd at a concert C. A queue at a bus stop D. Passengers on an airplane Explanation: A family having dinner together is an example of a primary group, characterized by close, intimate relationships. Quasi groups are temporary gatherings of people who lack a strong sense of connection or shared identity.16 / 2016. What is the term for a social position that a person occupies because of birth or assumes involuntarily? A. status B. status C. Prestige D. Role Explanation: Ascribed status is assigned to an individual based on factors such as age, caste, race, or kinship. These are characteristics that a person is born with or that they have no control over.17 / 2017. What is the term for the process of social interaction through which individuals learn and internalize social roles? A. Social control B. Stratification C. Socialization D. Deviance Explanation: Socialization is the process by which individuals learn the norms, values, and behaviors of their society and how to carry out their social roles.18 / 2018. Which of the following is an example of informal social control? A. The court system B. Ridicule C. The police D. The prison system Explanation: The passage lists ridicule as an example of informal social control, which includes unofficial and uncodified methods of regulating behavior.19 / 2019. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of a reference group? A. They are important sources of information about culture and lifestyle. B. We belong to them and interact with them regularly. C. We aspire to be like them. D. We look up to them. Explanation: We do not necessarily belong to or interact with our reference groups. They are groups that we admire and may try to emulate, even if we are not directly part of them.20 / 2020. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of a secondary group? A. Intimate and face-to-face association B. Relatively large in size C. Goal-oriented D. Formal and impersonal relationships Explanation: Intimate and face-to-face association is a characteristic of primary groups, such as families and close-knit circles of friends. Secondary groups, on the other hand, are larger, more formal, and often goal-oriented.Please insert your information to see your ranking अपनी Ranking जानने के लिए कृपया अपनी जानकारी भरे NamePhone Number Your score isThe average score is 0% 0% Restart quiz Category: Class 11 Sociology Quizzes in English