Understanding Social Institutions Ch(3) Book – 1 Practice Quiz in English Part – 2 || Class 11 Sociology Practice Quizzes in English Posted on March 1, 2025March 1, 2025 by Anshul Gupta0% 0 votes, 0 avg 0 Understanding Social Institutions Ch(3) Book – 1Practice Quiz in English Part – 2 || Class 11 Sociology Practice Quizzes in English 1 / 201. What is the most widely understood sense of ‘work’ in modern times? A. Artistic and creative pursuits. B. Paid employment. C. Unpaid domestic labor. D. Voluntary community service. Explanation: The chapter highlights how the concept of ‘work’ is often associated with formal jobs and paid employment in contemporary society.2 / 202. What is the main concern of political institutions? A. The distribution of power in society. B. The preservation of cultural traditions. C. The distribution of wealth in society. D. The development of individual potential. Explanation: Political institutions deal with how power is allocated and exercised within a society.3 / 203. What is the process of ‘secularization’? A. The decline of religious influence over various spheres of life. B. The conflict between different religious groups. C. The increasing influence of religion in social life. D. The revival of traditional religious practices. Explanation: Secularization describes the trend of religion becoming less central to social and political decision-making in modern societies.4 / 204. What is the defining feature of a ‘state’ as a political institution? A. The presence of a charismatic leader. B. The presence of a political apparatus of government ruling over a territory. C. The absence of social conflict and dissent. D. The existence of a shared cultural identity. Explanation: A state possesses a formal government structure, legal system, and the capacity to enforce its policies.5 / 205. What is the meaning of ‘sovereignty’ in the context of the state? A. The undisputed political rule of a state over a given territory. B. The division of power between different branches of government. C. The participation of citizens in the political process. D. The protection of individual rights and freedoms. Explanation: Sovereignty signifies the state’s ultimate authority within its borders.6 / 206. What is a distinctive characteristic of the economic system in modern societies? A. Self-sufficiency in production. B. Lack of economic interdependence. C. A simple division of labor. D. A highly complex division of labor. Explanation: Modern economies feature a vast specialization of occupations, unlike traditional societies with less differentiated work roles.7 / 207. What is the main argument of Max Weber’s study on the relationship between religion and capitalism? A. Religion has no impact on economic development. B. Religion can influence economic development. C. Religion hinders economic development. D. Religion is the sole determinant of economic development. Explanation: Weber demonstrated how Calvinist beliefs and practices played a role in the rise of capitalism.8 / 208. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic shared by all religions? A. A community of believers. B. A belief in a single, universal God. C. A set of symbols invoking reverence or awe. D. Rituals or ceremonies. Explanation: While many religions have a concept of God, it’s not a universal characteristic shared by all religions.9 / 209. What is the central idea behind ‘flexible production’ and ‘decentralization of work’? A. Adapting production to changing market conditions. B. Maintaining traditional forms of work organization. C. Increasing government control over industries. D. Reducing competition between firms. Explanation: This approach emphasizes flexibility and responsiveness to global competition and market demands.10 / 2010. What does the term ‘informal economy’ refer to? A. Transactions outside the sphere of regular employment. B. Transactions regulated by government policies. C. Transactions involving only the exchange of goods. D. Transactions within the sphere of regular employment. Explanation: The informal economy encompasses activities that are not officially recorded, such as casual labor, street vending, etc.11 / 2011. What is the sociological definition of the ‘sacred’? A. Anything that is considered holy or divine. B. The realm distinguished from the profane, often associated with the supernatural. C. The moral principles and values of a society. D. The physical structures and spaces used for religious practices. Explanation: Sociologists, following Durkheim, are interested in understanding how societies define and experience the sacred in contrast to the everyday.12 / 2012. What is the significance of ‘mass production’ in modern economies? A. It requires smaller markets. B. It requires mass markets. C. It reduces the need for specialized labor. D. It decreases economic interdependence. Explanation: Mass production necessitates large-scale consumption to sustain itself, leading to the development of mass markets.13 / 2013. How does the conflict perspective view education? A. As a means of achieving social equality. B. As a neutral institution with no impact on social stratification. C. As a means of promoting individual freedom and choice. D. As a tool for the dominant groups to maintain their power. Explanation: The conflict view highlights how education can reinforce existing inequalities and serve the interests of those in power.14 / 2014. Which of the following is NOT a type of citizenship rights? A. Social rights B. Civil rights C. Political rights D. Economic rights Explanation: Citizenship rights are typically categorized as civil, political, and social, although economic rights are often intertwined with social rights.15 / 2015. What is the major change in the location of work after industrialization? A. Work shifted from rural areas to urban areas. B. Work shifted from factories to homes. C. Work shifted from urban areas to rural areas. D. Work shifted from homes to factories. Explanation: Technological advancements and the rise of factories led to the separation of work from the domestic sphere.16 / 2016. What is the central theme explored in the section on Religion? A. The conflict between science and religion. B. The relationship between religion and other social institutions. C. The decline of religion in modern societies. D. The superiority of one religion over others. Explanation: The chapter emphasizes how religion interacts with other aspects of society, such as politics, economics, and gender.17 / 2017. What is the difference between ‘power’ and ‘authority’? A. Power is based on coercion, while authority is based on consensus. B. Authority is legitimate, while power is not always. C. Power is legitimate, while authority is not. D. Authority is limited to formal institutions, while power is not. Explanation: Authority is a form of power that is accepted as rightful and just, whereas power can be exercised without legitimacy.18 / 2018. What is the primary function of education, according to the functionalist perspective? A. To promote social change and revolution. B. To transmit and develop culture, and maintain social structure. C. To create a generation of critical thinkers and rebels. D. To challenge the values and norms of society. Explanation: Functionalists see education as contributing to social cohesion and the reproduction of existing social arrangements.19 / 2019. **What is the main focus of sociology in the study of politics A. The formal institutions of government. B. The broader study of power, including its distribution and exercise in various settings. C. The role of political parties in shaping public opinion. D. The impact of globalization on national politics. Explanation: Sociology examines power dynamics not only in formal political structures but also in other social institutions and relationships.20 / 2020. What is the definition of ‘power’ in the context of social institutions? A. The ability to influence others through persuasion. B. The ability to carry out one's will even when opposed by others. C. The holding of a formal position of authority. D. The possession of economic resources and wealth. Explanation: Power involves the capacity to exert control and influence, even in the face of resistance.Please insert your information to see your ranking अपनी Ranking जानने के लिए कृपया अपनी जानकारी भरे NamePhone Number Your score isThe average score is 0% 0% Restart quiz Category: Class 11 Sociology Quizzes in English