Introducing Western Sociologists Ch(4) Book – 2 Practice Quiz in English Part – 1 || Class 11 Sociology Practice Quizzes in English Posted on March 1, 2025March 1, 2025 by Anshul Gupta0% 0 votes, 0 avg 1 Introducing Western Sociologists Ch(4) Book – 2Practice Quiz in English Part – 1 || Class 11 Sociology Practice Quizzes in English 1 / 201. What did Marx believe was the primary factor that led to the formation of classes? A. Historical processes shaped by transformations in production B. Political affiliations and ideologies C. Shared cultural values D. Common religious beliefs Explanation: Marx argued that classes emerged through historical processes that were influenced by changes in the conditions and forces of production, leading to conflicts between existing classes.2 / 202. What are the two primary components of the economic base in Marx’s theory? A. Politics and law B. Religion and culture C. Productive forces and production relations D. Ideas and beliefs Explanation: Marx defined the economic base as consisting of productive forces means of production) and production relations economic relationships and forms of labour organization).3 / 203. Which statement about Emile Durkheim’s background is NOT true? A. He was the first to become a Professor of Sociology in Paris. B. He was raised in an orthodox Jewish family. C. He maintained a strong religious orientation throughout his life. D. He was influenced by his moral upbringing. Explanation: While Durkheim came from a religious background, he later declared himself an agnostic, although his upbringing still influenced his sociological thinking.4 / 204. What is the term for the awareness of one’s class interests and identity? A. Class struggle B. Class consciousness C. Class revolution D. Class conflict Explanation: Class consciousness refers to the subjective understanding and awareness of one’s class interests and identity, which Marx believed was necessary for class conflict to occur.5 / 205. What did Marx believe was the driving force of change in society? A. Technological advancements B. Class struggle C. Religious beliefs D. Individual motivations Explanation: Marx viewed class struggle as the primary factor driving societal change and development throughout history.6 / 206. What did Marx believe shaped people’s ideas and beliefs? A. Their cultural environment B. Their innate intelligence C. How they earned their livelihood D. Their religious convictions Explanation: Marx argued that the way people earned their living, their material conditions, determined their thoughts and beliefs, rather than the other way around.7 / 207. What was a key change in the production system during the Industrial Revolution? A. The use of manual labour over machines B. The shift from urban to rural production C. The decline in the importance of markets D. The application of science and technology to industry Explanation: The Industrial Revolution involved the systematic use of science and technology in industrial production, leading to new machines and power sources.8 / 208. What is the central theme of the Enlightenment? A. The supremacy of religious doctrine B. The power of divine intervention C. The importance of tradition and custom D. The elevation of human reason and knowledge Explanation: The Enlightenment emphasized rational thought and placed the human being at the center of the universe, valuing knowledge and reason.9 / 209. According to Marx, what would eventually lead to the transformation of capitalist society? A. Peaceful negotiations between classes B. The gradual evolution of capitalism into socialism C. Government intervention and regulation D. A revolution led by the working class Explanation: Marx believed that the working class, the victims of capitalism, would unite and initiate a revolution to overthrow the capitalist system and establish a socialist society.10 / 2010. What did Marx consider to be the foundation of every social system? A. Political structures and institutions B. Economic structures and processes C. Individual thoughts and actions D. Cultural beliefs and values Explanation: Marx emphasized the importance of economic factors, arguing that they shaped people’s ideas and beliefs and formed the basis of social systems.11 / 2011. What did Marx believe was the primary means of classifying people into social groups? A. Their religious beliefs B. Their language and cultural background C. Their nationality D. Their position in the production process Explanation: Marx classified people based on their role in the production process, arguing that this determined their shared interests and objectives, leading to the formation of classes.12 / 2012. What was a major concern of early sociological thought? A. The promotion of religious ideologies B. The study of individual psychology C. The analysis of pre-industrial societies D. The scientific analysis of developments in industrial society Explanation: Early sociological thinkers were particularly interested in examining the changes and developments brought about by the rise of industrial society.13 / 2013. What does the term “production relations” refer to in Marx’s theory? A. Economic relationships and forms of labour organization involved in production B. Relationships between individuals and their families C. Relationships between different social classes D. Relationships between different countries in the global economy Explanation: Production relations encompass the economic relationships and ways in which labour is organized within the production process.14 / 2014. Which statement about Karl Marx’s background is NOT true? A. He spent much of his productive years in Britain. B. He was exiled from multiple countries due to his radical views. C. He advocated for an end to oppression and exploitation. D. He was primarily a philosopher. Explanation: While Marx studied philosophy, the text emphasizes that he was not solely a philosopher but rather a social thinker who focused on analysing and critiquing capitalist society.15 / 2015. Which historical period is considered the birthplace of sociology? A. 16th-century Eastern Europe B. 19th-century Western Europe C. 18th-century Western Europe D. 17th-century North America Explanation: The text states that sociology was born in 19th century Western Europe, following a period of significant revolutionary changes.16 / 2016. Which revolution is NOT mentioned as paving the way for sociology? A. The Industrial Revolution B. The French Revolution C. The American Revolution D. The Enlightenment Explanation: The text lists three revolutions that influenced the emergence of sociology: the Enlightenment, the French Revolution, and the Industrial Revolution.17 / 2017. What did the French Revolution declare at the level of individuals and nation-states? A. Political sovereignty B. Economic independence C. Social equality D. Religious freedom Explanation: The French Revolution brought about the concept of political sovereignty, asserting the equality of citizens and challenging inherited privileges.18 / 2018. Which of the following is NOT considered a productive force in Marx’s theory? A. Land B. Technology C. Religion D. Labour Explanation: Productive forces include the means of production, such as land, labour, technology, and sources of energy, but not religion.19 / 2019. What is the term for a broad system of production associated with a historical period? A. Superstructure B. Productive forces C. Class consciousness D. Mode of production Explanation: Marx used the concept of a mode of production to describe the overall system of production associated with a specific historical period, such as primitive communism, slavery, feudalism, or capitalism.20 / 2020. What social change resulted from the Industrial Revolution? A. Increased wages for factory workers B. Workers moving from urban to rural areas C. Dominance of rural areas over urban centres D. Uprooting of workers from rural areas to urban factories Explanation: The Industrial Revolution led to the establishment of factories in urban areas, attracting workers from rural areas who sought employment.Please insert your information to see your ranking अपनी Ranking जानने के लिए कृपया अपनी जानकारी भरे NamePhone Number Your score isThe average score is 35% 0% Restart quiz Category: Class 11 Sociology Quizzes in English