Indian Sociologists Ch(5) Book – 2 Practice Quiz in English Part – 1 || Class 11 Sociology Practice Quizzes in English Posted on March 1, 2025March 1, 2025 by Anshul Gupta0% 0 votes, 0 avg 0 Indian Sociologists Ch(5) Book – 2Practice Quiz in English Part – 1 || Class 11 Sociology Practice Quizzes in English 1 / 201. Which of the following is NOT a unique feature of the welfare state as identified by A.R. Desai? A. It prioritizes economic growth over social welfare. B. It is a positive state. C. It involves a mixed economy. D. It is a democratic state. Explanation: A.R. Desai identified three unique features of the welfare state: it is a positive state, it is a democratic state, and it involves a mixed economy. 2 / 202. What was Ghurye’s main criticism of Risley’s theory of race and caste? A. The problem with using averages alone without considering the variation in the distribution of a particular measurement for a given community. B. The use of anthropometric measurements, which Ghurye considered unreliable. C. The disregard for the cultural and social aspects of caste. D. The lack of empirical evidence to support Risley's claims. Explanation: Ghurye criticized Risley for using averages without considering the variation in the distribution of a particular measurement for a given community. 3 / 203. Which of the following is NOT one of the six features of caste emphasized in Ghurye’s definition? A. Hierarchical division B. Restrictions on social interaction C. Segmental division D. Equality of opportunity Explanation: Ghurye’s definition of caste emphasizes six features: segmental division, hierarchical division, restrictions on social interaction, differential rights and duties, restriction of occupation choice, and strict restrictions on marriage. 4 / 204. Who was the first self-taught anthropologist to receive national and international recognition? A. G.S. Ghurye B. D.P. Mukerji C. L.K. Ananthakrishna Iyer D. Sarat Chandra Roy Explanation: L.K. Ananthakrishna Iyer was the first self-taught anthropologist to receive national and international recognition. 5 / 205. What was D.P. Mukerji’s main criticism of Indian history and economics? A. They neglected the cultural and religious dimensions of Indian society. B. They were too focused on the colonial period. C. They were not rooted in the Indian context. D. They were too theoretical and lacked empirical evidence. Explanation: D.P. Mukerji believed that Indian history and economics were not rooted in the Indian context and that they did not give enough importance to the social system. 6 / 206. What was the ‘dominant view’ of the relationship between race and caste in India in the early 20th century? A. That race was a social construct, while caste was biological. B. That caste was a social construct, while race was biological. C. That race and caste were unrelated. D. That different caste groups belonged to distinct racial types. Explanation: The dominant view, advocated by Herbert Risley, was that human beings could be divided into distinct races based on physical characteristics, and that different caste groups in India belonged to different racial types. 7 / 207. What was the initial profession of Sarat Chandra Roy before he became an anthropologist? A. Clerk B. School teacher C. College teacher D. Lawyer Explanation: Sarat Chandra Roy was a lawyer before he developed a deep interest in tribal society and became a pioneer of social anthropology in India. 8 / 208. Which of the following is NOT a key question raised by the specificity of the Indian context for the field of sociology? A. What role could social anthropology have in India, an ancient and advanced civilization that also had 'primitive' societies within it? B. How can sociology be used to promote industrialization and economic growth in India? C. What useful role could sociology have in a sovereign, independent India? D. What would be the role of sociology in a country like India, which was experiencing modernity but was also a colony? Explanation: The specificity of the Indian context raised questions about the role of sociology in a colonized and modernizing society, the role of social anthropology in an ancient civilization with diverse societies, and the role of sociology in an independent India. 9 / 209. Which political ideology did A.R. Desai adhere to throughout his life? A. Liberalism B. Marxism C. Gandhianism D. Conservatism Explanation: A.R. Desai was a life-long Marxist and was involved in Marxist politics throughout his career. 10 / 2010. What is the main argument of A.R. Desai’s essay “The myth of the welfare state”? A. The welfare state is a socialist concept that cannot be implemented in capitalist societies. B. The welfare state is incompatible with democracy. C. The welfare state is a myth because it fails to provide economic and social security to all its citizens. D. The welfare state is a necessary tool for achieving social justice. Explanation: A.R. Desai argued that the welfare state is a myth because even in the most developed countries, it fails to provide minimum levels of economic and social security to all citizens, reduce economic inequality, and ensure stable development. 11 / 2011. What was the main theme of Ghurye’s work that attracted attention outside sociology and the academic world? A. Village studies B. Tribal cultures C. Modernization D. Caste and race Explanation: Ghurye’s writings on tribal cultures, especially his debate with Verrier Elwin, brought him recognition outside the academic world. 12 / 2012. Which two features did Ghurye’s Bombay University department successfully implement that were later adopted by his successors? A. Prioritizing quantitative research methods, and emphasizing the study of urban societies. B. Focusing solely on theoretical research, and separating social anthropology and sociology. C. Promoting activism and social reform, and excluding the study of rural societies. D. Combining teaching and research, and merging social anthropology and sociology. Explanation: Ghurye’s department successfully combined teaching and research within the same institution, and merged social anthropology and sociology into a composite discipline. 13 / 2013. What was the main point of disagreement between Ghurye and the ‘protectionists’ regarding tribal cultures? A. Whether tribal cultures were part of Hinduism or distinct cultural groups. B. Whether tribal cultures were primitive or advanced. C. Whether tribal cultures should be preserved or modernized. D. How the impact of mainstream Hindu culture on tribal cultures was evaluated. Explanation: While both Ghurye and the ‘protectionists’ acknowledged the assimilation of tribal cultures with Hinduism, they disagreed on how to evaluate the impact of this assimilation. 14 / 2014. What was the main reason for the ‘protectionists’ advocating for the preservation of tribal cultures? A. They believed that tribal cultures were superior to mainstream Hindu culture. B. They wanted to maintain the cultural diversity of India. C. They believed that assimilation with Hindu culture would lead to the exploitation and cultural degradation of tribals. D. They wanted to study tribal cultures as 'living museums' of the past. Explanation: The ‘protectionists’ argued that the state should protect tribal cultures from assimilation with Hindu culture to prevent their exploitation and cultural degradation. 15 / 2015. What did D.P. Mukerji consider to be the crucial distinctive feature of India? A. Its religious system B. Its political system C. Its social system D. Its economic system Explanation: D.P. Mukerji believed that the crucial distinctive feature of India was its social system, and that all social sciences should be rooted in this context. 16 / 2016. What was the main focus of A.R. Desai’s academic work? A. Tribal cultures B. The social aspects of Indian nationalism C. Village studies D. Caste and race Explanation: A.R. Desai’s doctoral dissertation and best-known work is “The Social Background of Indian Nationalism,” which offered a Marxist analysis of Indian nationalism. 17 / 2017. What was the main focus of M.N. Srinivas’ sociological research? A. Caste and race B. The social aspects of Indian nationalism C. Tribal cultures D. The Indian village Explanation: M.N. Srinivas maintained a life-long focus on the Indian village and village society in his research. 18 / 2018. Who is considered the founder of institutionalized sociology in India? A. D.P. Mukerji B. M.N. Srinivas C. A.R. Desai D. G.S. Ghurye Explanation: G.S. Ghurye is considered the founder of institutionalized sociology in India due to his role in establishing India’s first post-graduate teaching department of Sociology at Bombay University. 19 / 2019. According to D.P. Mukerji, what was the most important principle of change in Indian society? A. Shruti B. Anubhava (personal experience) C. Buddhi-vichar (discursive reason) D. Smriti Explanation: D.P. Mukerji argued that the most important principle of change in Indian society was generalized anubhava, or the collective experience of groups. 20 / 2020. What was the main argument put forward by Herbert Risley regarding the relationship between race and caste? A. Caste originated in race. B. Caste and race are both social constructs. C. Race originated in caste. D. Caste and race are unrelated. Explanation: Risley believed that caste must have originated in race because different caste groups seemed to belong to distinct racial types. Please insert your information to see your ranking अपनी Ranking जानने के लिए कृपया अपनी जानकारी भरे NamePhone Number Your score isThe average score is 0% 0% Restart quiz Category: Class 11 Sociology Quizzes in English