The Story of Indian Democracy Ch (3) Book – 2 Practice Quiz in English Part – 2 || Class 12 Sociology Practice Quizzes in English Posted on March 7, 2025March 7, 2025 by Anshul Gupta0% 0 votes, 0 avg 0 The Story of Indian Democracy Ch (3) Book – 2Practice Quiz in English Part – 2 || Class 12 Sociology Practice Quizzes in English 1 / 201. Which state in India has the highest literacy rate? A. Maharashtra. B. Karnataka. C. Kerala. D. Tamil Nadu. Explanation: Regional variations are still very wide, with states like Kerala approaching universal literacy. 2 / 202. What is the main reason for rural-urban migration in India? A. Better educational opportunities in urban areas. B. Better healthcare facilities in urban areas. C. Lack of employment opportunities in rural areas. D. All of the above. Explanation: Those who cannot find work (or sufficient work) in the rural areas go to the city in search of work, better educational opportunities, and better healthcare facilities. 3 / 203. What is the male literacy rate in India according to the 2011 census? A. 80.9%. B. 64.6%. C. 82.1%. D. 73.0%. Explanation: The literacy rate for men is 80.9%, which is 16.3% higher than the literacy rate for women. 4 / 204. What is the approximate percentage of India’s population that lives in rural areas according to the 2011 census? A. 90%. B. 70%. C. 30%. D. 50%. Explanation: According to Census of India 2011, 68.8% population lives in rural areas. 5 / 205. What is the dependency ratio? A. The ratio of dependents to the working-age population. B. None of the above. C. The ratio of the working-age population to dependents. D. The ratio of the elderly to the young. Explanation: The dependency ratio is a measure comparing the portion of a population which is composed of dependents with the portion that is in the working age group, generally defined as 15 to 64 years. 6 / 206. Which state in India has the lowest child sex ratio? A. Bihar. B. Uttar Pradesh. C. Punjab. D. Haryana. Explanation: Haryana is the worst state with an incredibly low child sex ratio of 793 (the only state below 800). 7 / 207. What is the child sex ratio in India according to the 2011 census? A. 914. B. 943. C. 927. D. 919. Explanation: In 2011 Census (provisional) the child sex ratio again decreased by 13 points and now it is 919. 8 / 208. What is the main focus of India’s National Health Policy 2017? A. Reducing the birth rate. B. Increasing public awareness about population and health issues. C. All of the above. D. Improving public health standards. Explanation: The National Health Policy 2017 incorporates most of the socio-demographic goals of the National Family Welfare Programme with new targets.9 / 209. What is the demographic dividend? A. The economic benefit of having a young population. B. The economic benefit of having a stable population. C. The economic benefit of having an aging population. D. None of the above. Explanation: A falling dependency ratio can be a source of economic growth and prosperity due to the larger proportion of workers relative to non-workers. This is sometimes referred to as the ‘demographic dividend’. 10 / 2010. What was the main reason for the setback to the National Family Planning Programme during the Emergency? A. Lack of funds. B. All of the above. C. Lack of public awareness. D. Coercive methods. Explanation: The Family Planning Programme suffered a setback during the years of the National Emergency (1975-76) due to the government’s coercive programme of mass sterilization. 11 / 2011. What is the main objective of India’s National Family Planning Programme? A. To improve public health standards. B. All of the above. C. To reduce the birth rate. D. To increase public awareness about population and health issues. Explanation: The broad objectives of this programme have remained the same – to try to influence the rate and pattern of population growth in socially desirable directions, including reducing the birth rate, improving public health standards, and increasing public awareness about population and health issues. 12 / 2012. What is the name of the law that bans sex-selective abortions in India? A. The Medical Termination of Pregnancy Act. B. The Indian Penal Code. C. None of the above. D. The Pre-natal Diagnostic Techniques (Regulation and Prevention of Misuse) Act. Explanation: Known as the Pre-natal Diagnostic Techniques (Regulation and Prevention of Misuse) Act, this law has been in force since 1996, and has been further strengthened in 2003. 13 / 2013. What is the main reason for the decline of common property resources in rural India? A. All of the above. B. Population growth. C. Industrialization. D. Privatization. Explanation: The decline of common property resources is due to various factors, including population growth, industrialization, and privatization. 14 / 2014. What is the current name of the National Family Planning Programme? A. National Population Policy. B. National Family Welfare Programme. C. National Health Policy. D. None of the above. Explanation: The National Family Planning Programme was renamed as the National Family Welfare Programme after the Emergency. 15 / 2015. What is the main challenge for India in exploiting the demographic dividend? A. Providing social security to the unemployed population. B. All of the above. C. Providing healthcare to the aging population. D. Providing education and employment to the young population. Explanation: The potential of the demographic dividend can be converted into actual growth only if the rise in the working age group is accompanied by increasing levels of education and employment. 16 / 2016. What is the female literacy rate in India according to the 2011 census? A. 73.0%. B. 64.6%. C. 82.1%. D. 80.9%. Explanation: As can be seen from Table 4, the literacy rate for women is 16.3% less than the literacy rate for men. 17 / 2017. What is the literacy rate in India according to the 2011 census? A. 73.0%. B. 82.1%. C. 80.9%. D. 64.6%. Explanation: Literacy levels have improved considerably after independence, and almost two-thirds of our population is now literate. 18 / 2018. What is the main lesson learned from the history of India’s population policy? A. The state can do a lot to create the conditions for demographic change. B. Demographic variables are ultimately matters of economic, social, and cultural change. C. Both a and b. D. None of the above. Explanation: The history of India’s National Family Welfare Programme teaches us that while the state can do a lot to try and create the conditions for demographic change, most demographic variables are ultimately matters of economic, social and cultural change. 19 / 2019. What is the main reason for the rapid growth of metropolises in India? A. High birth rate in urban areas. B. Low death rate in urban areas. C. All of the above. D. Rural-urban migration. Explanation: The swelling cities bear testimony to the flow of population from rural areas. 20 / 2020. What is the main reason for the regional variation in child sex ratios in India? A. Poverty. B. Lack of resources. C. Ignorance. D. None of the above. Explanation: The regional pattern of low child sex ratios seems to support the argument that the problem of selective abortions is not due to poverty or ignorance or lack of resources. 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