Change and Development in Industrial Society Ch (5) Book – 2 Practice Quiz in English Part – 1 || Class 12 Sociology Practice Quizzes in English Posted on March 7, 2025March 7, 2025 by Anshul Gupta0% 0 votes, 0 avg 0 Change and Development in Industrial Society Ch (5) Book – 2Practice Quiz in English Part – 1 || Class 12 Sociology Practice Quizzes in English 1 / 201. Which of the following is NOT a potential benefit of globalization? A. Increased access to a wider range of goods and services B. Increased cultural exchange and diversity C. Potential for economic growth and job creation D. Widening income inequality between countries Explanation: Globalization can exacerbate income disparities between countries, as some nations may benefit more than others from increased trade and investment. 2 / 202. What is the term used to describe the economic system in which production is primarily for the market and labour is a commodity? A. Capitalism B. Feudalism C. Communism D. Socialism Explanation: Capitalism is an economic system characterized by private ownership of the means of production, wage labour, and the pursuit of profit through market competition. 3 / 203. What is the term used to describe the process of selling government-owned companies to private entities? A. Commodification B. Liberalization C. Marketisation D. Privatization Explanation: Privatization is the transfer of ownership and control of state-owned assets to private companies or individuals. 4 / 204. Which of the following is NOT a policy associated with liberalization? A. Privatization of public sector enterprises B. Easier access for foreign companies to invest in India C. Reduction in tariffs and import duties D. Increased government regulation of capital, labour, and trade Explanation: Liberalization typically involves reducing government control over economic activities to promote market-driven growth. 5 / 205. What is the term used to describe the process of bringing a product or service into the market economy? A. Liberalization B. Commodification C. Consumption D. Capitalism Explanation: Commodification is the process of transforming something that was not previously traded in the market into a commodity that can be bought and sold. 6 / 206. What is the term used to describe the process of transforming goods and services into commodities that can be bought and sold? A. Capitalism B. Consumption C. Liberalization D. Commodification Explanation: Commodification is the process of bringing goods, services, or even ideas into the market realm, where they are assigned a monetary value and can be exchanged. 7 / 207. What is the term used to describe the demand for a particular product or service? A. Market value B. Market trade C. Market demand D. Market economy Explanation: Market demand refers to the overall demand for a particular product or service in a specific market. 8 / 208. What is the term used to describe the removal or relaxation of government regulations on economic activities? A. Liberalization B. Marketisation C. Deregulation D. Privatization Explanation: Deregulation involves reducing government control over markets to promote competition and efficiency. 9 / 209. What is the term used to describe a symbol that conveys information about a person’s social or economic status? A. Cultural symbol B. Economic symbol C. Market symbol D. Status symbol Explanation: A status symbol is an object or possession that signifies a person’s position in society, often related to their wealth, occupation, or lifestyle. 10 / 2010. What is the most common understanding of a market? A. A social institution B. A place where things are bought and sold C. A gathering of people D. An area of trade or business Explanation: The most common understanding of a market is a physical place where goods and services are exchanged. 11 / 2011. What is the term used to describe the process of transforming a traditional market or fair into a tourist attraction? A. Marketisation of culture B. Liberalization of culture C. Globalization of culture D. Commodification of culture Explanation: The commodification of culture involves turning cultural elements, such as traditions, knowledge, or even images, into products that can be sold in the market, often to tourists. 12 / 2012. Which of the following is NOT a way in which colonialism impacted the Indian economy? A. It promoted the growth of indigenous industries. B. It led to the decline of the handloom industry. C. It transformed India into a source of raw materials for British industries. D. It facilitated the entry of new groups, especially Europeans, into trade and business. Explanation: Colonialism often had a negative impact on indigenous industries, as they faced competition from cheaper manufactured goods from Britain. 13 / 2013. Which of the following is NOT a potential negative impact of commodification? A. Exploitation of cultural resources B. Homogenization of cultures C. Loss of traditional values and practices D. Increased cultural exchange and understanding Explanation: While commodification can lead to cultural exchange, it can also have negative consequences, such as the erosion of traditional values and the exploitation of cultural resources. 14 / 2014. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of a weekly tribal market in rural India? A. It is primarily focused on economic transactions. B. It provides a space for social interaction and gatherings. C. It connects local communities to wider regional and national economies. D. It serves as a major institution for the exchange of goods. Explanation: While economic exchange is a key function of weekly tribal markets, they also serve important social functions, such as facilitating community gatherings and cultural exchange. 15 / 2015. What is the term used to describe the integration of local economies into wider regional, national, and global markets? A. Market commodification B. Market globalization C. Market liberalization D. Market integration Explanation: Market integration refers to the process of connecting local markets to larger economic systems, allowing for the flow of goods, services, and capital across different levels. 16 / 2016. Which of the following is NOT a sociological perspective on markets? A. Markets are embedded in social relationships. B. Markets are constructed in culturally specific ways. C. Markets operate independently of the larger social context. D. Markets are social institutions. Explanation: Sociologists emphasize that markets are not isolated entities but are influenced by social structures, cultural norms, and power dynamics. 17 / 2017. What is the term used to describe the integration of markets around the world? A. Liberalization B. Marketisation C. Commodification D. Globalization Explanation: Globalization refers to the increasing interconnectedness of markets worldwide, driven by factors like technology, trade, and cultural exchange. 18 / 2018. Which of the following is NOT a potential negative impact of liberalization and globalization? A. Increased competition for domestic industries B. Potential decline in agricultural income C. Greater access to foreign goods and services D. Job losses in certain sectors Explanation: While liberalization can lead to increased access to foreign goods and services, this is generally seen as a positive outcome for consumers. 19 / 2019. What is the term used to describe the use of markets or market-based processes to address social, political, or economic issues? A. Marketisation B. Globalization C. Liberalization D. Commodification Explanation: Marketisation involves using market mechanisms and principles to solve problems, often by reducing government intervention and promoting competition. 20 / 2020. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of a traditional business community in India? A. Limited social mobility within the community B. Reliance on caste and kinship networks C. Specialized knowledge and skills in specific areas of business D. Strong community institutions and ethos Explanation: While traditional business communities often rely on caste and kinship networks, there can be social mobility within these communities as individuals or families gain wealth and influence. Please insert your information to see your ranking अपनी Ranking जानने के लिए कृपया अपनी जानकारी भरे NamePhone Number Your score isThe average score is 0% 0% Restart quiz Category: Class 12 Sociology Quizzes in English