Globalisation and Social Change Ch (6) Book – 2 Practice Quiz in English Part – 2 || Class 12 Sociology Practice Quizzes in English Posted on March 7, 2025March 7, 2025 by Anshul Gupta0% 0 votes, 0 avg 0 Globalisation and Social Change Ch (6) Book – 2Practice Quiz in English Part – 2 || Class 12 Sociology Practice Quizzes in English 1 / 201. What is the significance of the Sachar Committee Report? A. It documents the struggles of women in India B. It analyzes the impact of globalization C. It examines the challenges of disability D. It highlights the issues faced by the Muslim community Explanation: The Sachar Committee Report specifically focuses on the socio-economic and educational conditions of the Muslim community in India.2 / 202. What is the central argument regarding the ‘disabled’? A. They are disabled due to fate and past karma B. They are disabled due to lack of education C. They are disabled because society does not cater to their needs D. They are disabled because of their physical limitations Explanation: The text emphasizes that societal barriers and lack of inclusivity contribute to the disablement of individuals.3 / 203. Why is gender inequality often considered natural? A. Due to economic disparities B. Due to historical factors C. Due to biological and physical differences D. Due to social conditioning Explanation: The text points out that gender inequality is often attributed to inherent biological differences between men and women.4 / 204. What is the key point highlighted in the section on caste and tribe? A. The caste system is no longer relevant in modern India B. The government has successfully addressed all issues related to caste and tribe C. Adivasis are not affected by social discrimination D. The legacy of caste and tribe continues to shape social inequalities in India Explanation: Despite efforts to eradicate caste-based discrimination, the text emphasizes its persistent influence on social inequalities.5 / 205. What is the main purpose of the government notification mentioned in Box 5.8? A. To promote research on disability B. To encourage employment of disabled individuals C. To provide financial assistance to disabled individuals D. To raise awareness about disability rights Explanation: The notification likely aims to inform the public about the rights and needs of disabled individuals.6 / 206. What does the newspaper report on ‘Disabled-unfriendly’ Courts highlight? A. The lack of infrastructure and facilities for disabled individuals in public spaces B. The legal recognition of disability rights C. The positive portrayal of disability in the media D. The progress made in ensuring accessibility for the disabled Explanation: The report exposes the challenges faced by disabled individuals due to inaccessible infrastructure in court buildings.7 / 207. Which categories of inequality have historically dominated the understanding of social inequality in social sciences? A. Disability, religion, and ethnicity B. Age, nationality, and language C. Caste, tribe, and gender D. Class, race, and gender Explanation: The text mentions that class, race, and gender have been the primary focus in studies of social inequality.8 / 208. What was the main focus of the women’s movement in the 1970s? A. Traditional practices like sati B. Modern issues like media representation and unequal development C. Legal reforms D. Education for women Explanation: The women’s movement in the 1970s shifted its attention to contemporary challenges faced by women.9 / 209. What is the term used for outsiders in Adivasi struggles? A. Dalits B. Dikus C. Bahujans D. Harijans Explanation: Adivasi movements often involve struggles against outsiders, referred to as ‘dikus’, who exploit their resources and land.10 / 2010. Who led the campaign against sati in Bengal? A. Jyotiba Phule B. Raja Rammohun Roy C. Ranade D. Sir Syed Ahmed Khan Explanation: Raja Rammohun Roy’s efforts to abolish sati marked the beginning of 19th-century social reform in Bengal.11 / 2011. What is the comparison made between the invisibility of the disabled and Ralph Ellison’s Invisible Man? A. Both are ignored due to their physical appearance B. Both are excluded from mainstream society C. Both are subjected to discrimination D. Both are denied basic human rights Explanation: The analogy highlights how both the disabled and the protagonist in Ellison’s novel are rendered invisible by societal attitudes and structures.12 / 2012. What was the focus of 19th-century social reform movements regarding women’s rights? A. Representation in popular media B. Backward aspects of tradition like sati and child marriage C. Gendered consequences of unequal development D. Modern issues like employment discrimination Explanation: Early social reform movements primarily targeted traditional practices that disadvantaged women.13 / 2013. What is a significant achievement of Adivasi movements in post-Independence India? A. Attainment of statehood for Jharkhand and Chhattisgarh B. Reservation in educational institutions C. Implementation of the Mandal Commission report D. Enactment of the Prevention of Atrocities Act Explanation: Adivasi movements successfully advocated for the creation of separate states for Jharkhand and Chhattisgarh.14 / 2014. What is one of the new challenges of gender inequality mentioned in the text? A. Rising divorce rates B. Declining child sex ratio C. Increasing female employment D. Lack of education for women Explanation: The sharp decline in the child sex ratio reflects a societal bias against girl children.15 / 2015. What is the overall message conveyed in Chapter 5? A. Social inequalities are inevitable and cannot be changed B. Individuals are responsible for their own social positions C. India has achieved complete social equality D. Social inequalities are deeply ingrained and require continuous efforts to address Explanation: The chapter emphasizes the ongoing struggles against various forms of social inequality and the need for sustained efforts to create a more inclusive society.16 / 2016. What is the main argument of Anita Ghai regarding the education of disabled children? A. Disability is not a concern in the education sector B. Segregated schooling is the best approach C. Educational discourse should ignore disability D. Inclusive education is crucial for the autonomy of disabled children Explanation: Ghai advocates for integrating disabled children into mainstream education to ensure their full participation and development.17 / 2017. What is the significance of the shift in terminology from ‘disabled’ to ‘differently abled’? A. It emphasizes the biological nature of disability B. It reinforces the victim status of disabled individuals C. It promotes segregation of disabled individuals D. It challenges the negative connotations associated with disability Explanation: The use of positive and empowering language aims to change perceptions and promote inclusivity.18 / 2018. What does the existence of matrilineal societies challenge? A. The role of men in society B. The idea of gender equality C. The importance of family D. The notion that women are naturally inferior Explanation: Matrilineal societies, where lineage and inheritance are traced through the female line, demonstrate that gender roles are not biologically determined.19 / 2019. What is the relationship between disability and poverty? A. Disability is more prevalent among the rich B. There is no relationship between disability and poverty C. Disability can lead to poverty D. Poverty causes disability Explanation: The text explains how disability can create economic strain and increase the risk of poverty.20 / 2020. Which of the following is NOT a common feature of public perception of disability? A. Disability is a biological given B. Disability is linked to self-perception C. Disability is a social construction D. Disability is a result of fate Explanation: While the other options reflect common misconceptions, the text argues that disability is socially constructed rather than solely a biological fact.Please insert your information to see your ranking अपनी Ranking जानने के लिए कृपया अपनी जानकारी भरे NamePhone Number Your score isThe average score is 0% 0% Restart quiz Category: Class 12 Sociology Quizzes in English