Suggestions for Project Work Ch (7) Book – 1 Practice Quiz in English Part – 1 || Class 12 Sociology Practice Quizzes in English Posted on March 7, 2025March 7, 2025 by Anshul Gupta0% 0 votes, 0 avg 0 Suggestions for Project Work Ch (7) Book – 1Practice Quiz in English Part – 1 || Class 12 Sociology Practice Quizzes in English 1 / 201. When did newspapers start to reach a mass audience? A. 18th century B. 16th century C. 17th century D. 19th century Explanation: The growth of the newspaper industry and its ability to reach a mass audience occurred in the mid-19th century, alongside advancements in technology, transportation, and literacy rates. 2 / 202. What was the primary role envisioned for the media in independent India by Jawaharlal Nehru? A. To act as a watchdog of democracy B. To promote commercial interests C. To serve as a mouthpiece for the government D. To provide entertainment and escapism Explanation: Jawaharlal Nehru, India’s first prime minister, emphasized the importance of a free and independent media in safeguarding democratic values and holding those in power accountable. 3 / 203. What is the main topic of the first article on page 1? A. The lack of mobile phone etiquette in Delhi B. The popularity of Salman Khan's music C. The adverse health effects of mobile phone usage D. The increasing number of mobile phone users in Delhi Explanation: The article specifically discusses the lack of courtesy people display while using mobile phones in public spaces in Delhi. 4 / 204. What were some of the social issues that the media in independent India was encouraged to address? A. Economic inequality and poverty B. Political corruption and scandals C. Untouchability, child marriage, and faith healing D. Environmental pollution and degradation Explanation: The media in independent India was urged to play a role in social reform by raising awareness about and campaigning against oppressive practices like untouchability, child marriage, and faith healing. 5 / 205. How did the British colonial government react to the nationalist press in India? A. They used it to promote their own agenda. B. They supported and encouraged it. C. They ignored it. D. They imposed censorship and restrictions on it. Explanation: The British colonial government viewed the nationalist press as a threat and often resorted to censorship and other measures to suppress its voice and influence. 6 / 206. What is the meaning of the term “mass media”? A. Media that reaches a large audience B. Media that is produced in large quantities C. Media that is expensive to produce D. Media that is controlled by the government Explanation: The term “mass media” refers to communication channels that reach a vast number of people. 7 / 207. What type of media is the primary focus of the chapter? A. Print media B. Mass media C. Electronic media D. Social media Explanation: The chapter discusses various forms of mass media, including television, newspapers, films, radio, and the internet. 8 / 208. How did newspapers contribute to the growth of nationalism? A. By spreading propaganda and misinformation B. By fostering a sense of shared identity and belonging among people across a country C. By promoting regional identities D. By encouraging political activism and protests Explanation: Newspapers played a crucial role in connecting people across geographical boundaries, creating a sense of shared experiences and contributing to the development of national identity. 9 / 209. How did newspapers and magazines in British India, despite limited circulation, manage to exert significant influence? A. Through their strong online presence B. Through word-of-mouth dissemination of news and information from commercial and administrative centers C. Through their aggressive marketing and distribution strategies D. Through their association with powerful political figures Explanation: Despite limited circulation due to low literacy rates, newspapers and magazines in British India spread their message through people sharing news and information in markets, courts, and other public spaces. 10 / 2010. Why is the printing press considered the first modern mass media institution? A. It was the first time people could share ideas over long distances. B. It was the first way to communicate information to a large audience. C. It was the first example of a government-controlled media. D. It was the first invention that allowed for mass production of text. Explanation: The printing press revolutionized communication by enabling the mass production of written materials, making information more accessible to a wider audience. 11 / 2011. Who were the pioneers of the Gujarati and Bengali Press in India, respectively? A. Raja Rammohun Roy and Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar B. Johann Gutenberg and Raja Rammohun Roy C. Benedict Anderson and Fardoonji Murzban D. Fardoonji Murzban and Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar Explanation: Fardoonji Murzban started the Bombay Samachar in 1822, marking the beginning of the Gujarati press, while Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar founded the Shome Prakash in Bengali in 1858. 12 / 2012. Which of the following newspapers suffered the displeasure of the colonial state due to its association with the national movement? A. The Times of India B. Kesari C. The Civil and Military Gazette D. The Statesman Explanation: Kesari, a Marathi newspaper, was among the nationalist publications that faced the wrath of the colonial government for advocating independence and opposing colonial rule. 13 / 2013. What was the primary content of All India Radio (AIR) programs in the early years of independent India? A. Religious sermons and teachings B. Music and entertainment C. News, current affairs, and discussions on development D. Dramas and soap operas Explanation: In line with the vision of nation-building, AIR focused on providing news and information related to development initiatives and current affairs to its listeners. 14 / 2014. What was the initial primary focus of printed materials? A. Entertainment magazines B. Scientific papers C. Political pamphlets D. Religious books Explanation: The first printed materials were primarily religious texts, as the early printing press was often used to produce copies of the Bible and other religious works. 15 / 2015. What was the purpose of the newsreels and documentaries produced by the Films Division of the government in independent India? A. To showcase India's cultural heritage and diversity B. To educate the masses on health and hygiene C. To document the country's development progress D. To promote national unity and integration Explanation: The Films Division produced newsreels and documentaries that were shown in movie theaters to inform the public about the government’s developmental efforts and initiatives. 16 / 2016. Who is credited with the concept of the nation as an “imagined community”? A. Jawaharlal Nehru B. Johann Gutenberg C. Benedict Anderson D. Raja Rammohun Roy Explanation: Benedict Anderson’s theory of imagined communities suggests that nations are socially constructed communities, imagined by people who perceive themselves as part of that group. 17 / 2017. How did radio broadcasting in India evolve during World War II? A. It remained unchanged. B. It focused primarily on entertainment programs. C. It became a major tool of propaganda for the Allied forces. D. It declined due to wartime restrictions. Explanation: During World War II, radio broadcasting in India was utilized by the Allied forces to disseminate information and propaganda to the South-East Asian region. 18 / 2018. What was Vividh Bharati? A. An entertainment channel primarily broadcasting Hindi film songs B. A religious channel C. A sports channel D. A news and current affairs channel Explanation: Vividh Bharati was a popular AIR channel that catered to entertainment needs by playing Hindi film songs on listeners’ requests. 19 / 2019. Where were the earliest attempts at printing books using modern technologies? A. Asia B. Africa C. Europe D. North America Explanation: The development of the printing press using modern technologies began in Europe, specifically with Johannes Gutenberg’s invention in 1440. 20 / 2020. Which of the following was wholly owned by the state under British rule in India? A. Newspapers B. Magazines C. Films D. Radio Explanation: Radio broadcasting in British India was under the control of the state, limiting the expression of nationalistic views. Please insert your information to see your ranking अपनी Ranking जानने के लिए कृपया अपनी जानकारी भरे NamePhone Number Your score isThe average score is 0% 0% Restart quiz Category: Class 12 Sociology Quizzes in English