Suggestions for Project Work Ch (7) Book – 1 Practice Quiz in English Part – 2 || Class 12 Sociology Practice Quizzes in English Posted on March 7, 2025March 7, 2025 by Anshul Gupta0% 0 votes, 0 avg 0 Suggestions for Project Work Ch (7) Book – 1Practice Quiz in English Part – 2 || Class 12 Sociology Practice Quizzes in English 1 / 201. What strategy have transnational television companies adopted to appeal to Indian audiences? A. Employing local talent and incorporating Indian cultural elements B. Focusing solely on Western content C. Ignoring the preferences of Indian viewers D. Using unfamiliar settings and cultural references Explanation: Transnational television channels have recognized the importance of catering to local tastes and preferences by incorporating Indian cultural elements and producing content in Indian languages.2 / 202. What were the defining characteristics of early television programs in India? A. Primarily focused on political debates and discussions B. Purely entertainment-based content C. Predominantly religious and spiritual content D. A mix of news, children's, women's, farmers', and entertainment programs Explanation: Early television programming in India offered a diverse range of content catering to various interests and demographics. 3 / 203. What is the potential for FM channels in India? A. Uncertain due to the lack of private investment B. Enormous due to the growing demand for local news and entertainment C. Declining due to the popularity of internet radio D. Limited due to government restrictions Explanation: FM channels in India have immense potential due to the increasing demand for localized content and entertainment, particularly in the post-liberalization era.4 / 204. What is the format for news broadcasts on most Indian television channels? A. Dull and monotonous B. Sensationalized and exaggerated C. Lively and informal D. Formal and traditional Explanation: News broadcasts on Indian television channels tend to adopt a lively and informal format to engage viewers and make the news more accessible.5 / 205. What has been the impact of technological advancements on newspaper production? A. It has increased the reliance on manual labour. B. It has made the process fully automated, from reporting to printing. C. It has slowed down the process. D. It has led to a decline in the quality of journalism. Explanation: Technological advancements in newspaper production have led to automation in various stages, including news gathering, editing, and printing, making the process faster and more efficient.6 / 206. What was the significance of the Indian language newspaper revolution? A. It marked a significant increase in the circulation of newspapers in Hindi, Telugu, and Kannada. B. It resulted in the closure of many small-town newspapers. C. It led to the decline of English-language newspapers. D. It caused a decline in the overall readership of newspapers. Explanation: The Indian language newspaper revolution saw a substantial rise in the readership and circulation of newspapers published in Indian languages, particularly Hindi, Telugu, and Kannada. 7 / 207. What is the primary reason behind the decline in the prices of newspapers, particularly English-language newspapers? A. To reduce production costs B. To compete with electronic media C. To increase profit margins D. To cater to a niche audience Explanation: Newspapers have reduced their prices to remain competitive with electronic media, which often provide news for free or at a lower cost.8 / 208. What technological advancement made radio more accessible to the masses in India? A. The development of the internet B. The invention of the television C. The transistor revolution D. The introduction of satellite radio Explanation: The transistor revolution in the 1960s led to the production of smaller, more affordable, and battery-operated radio sets, making radio accessible to a wider population. 9 / 209. What factors contributed to the success of Indian language newspapers? A. The lack of interest in local news B. The decline in literacy rates C. The high cost of production D. The rise in the number of literate people migrating to cities and the focus on local news Explanation: The growth of Indian language newspapers was fuelled by increasing literacy rates, migration to cities, and the demand for news relevant to local communities and interests. 10 / 2010. How did All India Radio (AIR) play a crucial role in the Green Revolution? A. By broadcasting weather forecasts for farmers B. By playing traditional folk music related to farming C. By airing educational programs on agricultural techniques D. By providing a platform for farmers to voice their concerns Explanation: AIR actively participated in promoting the Green Revolution by broadcasting informative programs about high-yielding crop varieties and modern farming practices. 11 / 2011. What was the primary objective behind the introduction of television in India in 1959? A. To promote rural development B. To promote political propaganda C. To entertain the masses D. To educate the urban population Explanation: The initial experimental introduction of television in India aimed to utilize the medium for educational purposes and to support rural development initiatives. 12 / 2012. What is the term used to describe the combination of information and entertainment in newspapers? A. Infotainment B. Edutainment C. Tabloidization D. Sensationalism Explanation: Infotainment refers to the trend of blending information and entertainment in newspapers to appeal to a wider audience and maintain their interest.13 / 2013. What is the impact of entertainment television on Indian society? A. It has promoted serious political and economic discussions. B. It has had no significant impact. C. It has created a new class of superstars and fuelled gossip columns. D. It has led to the decline of traditional forms of entertainment. Explanation: Entertainment television has given rise to a new generation of celebrities and has become a source of fodder for gossip columns in magazines and newspapers.14 / 2014. What led to a shift in the target audience and the growth of entertainment programs on Indian television? A. The popularity of foreign TV shows B. The introduction of colour broadcasting C. The rapid expansion of the national network D. The commercialization of television broadcasting Explanation: As television broadcasting became commercialized and allowed to carry advertisements, the focus shifted towards attracting a larger audience, leading to an increase in entertainment programs. 15 / 2015. What were Hum Log and Buniyaad? A. News channels B. Popular Bollywood movies C. Indigenous soap operas D. Radio talk shows Explanation: Hum Log and Buniyaad were popular Indian soap operas that aired in the 1980s, attracting a large viewership and contributing to the commercial success of Doordarshan. 16 / 2016. What is the trend in the readership of English dailies compared to Indian language dailies? A. Both have stagnated. B. Both have seen substantial growth. C. English dailies have grown, while Indian language dailies have declined. D. Indian language dailies have grown substantially, while English dailies have stagnated. Explanation: Recent data indicates that the readership of Indian language dailies has increased significantly, while the readership of English dailies has plateaued. 17 / 2017. What has been the impact of globalization on the media industry in India? A. It has led to the fusion of different forms of media and the emergence of a global market. B. It has had no significant impact. C. It has led to the decline of the media industry. D. It has resulted in limited choices for viewers and readers. Explanation: Globalization has transformed the media industry in India by blurring the lines between different media forms and creating a globalized marketplace for media content.18 / 2018. What was the state of the television industry in India in 1991? A. There was only one state-controlled channel, Doordarshan. B. There were numerous privately-owned channels. C. Cable television was widely available. D. Foreign channels dominated the market. Explanation: In 1991, India had a single state-controlled television channel, Doordarshan, before the advent of private satellite channels.19 / 2019. How have newspapers adapted to the segmented interests of readers? A. By focusing on a single topic or area of interest B. By incorporating infotainment, a blend of information and entertainment C. By reducing the coverage of sports and entertainment D. By increasing the price to target niche audiences Explanation: To cater to diverse reader interests, newspapers have adopted the strategy of infotainment, combining informative content with entertainment elements to maintain readership. 20 / 2020. What strategies did Indian language newspapers adopt to compete with electronic media? A. Ignoring local news and focusing on international events B. Increasing prices and reducing the number of editions C. Focusing solely on entertainment news and gossip D. Using advanced printing technologies and employing various marketing strategies Explanation: Indian language newspapers embraced modern printing technologies and implemented marketing strategies like consumer contact programs and surveys to expand their reach and compete with electronic media. 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