Mass Media and Communications Ch (7) Book – 2 Practice Quiz in English Part – 2 || Class 12 Sociology Practice Quizzes in English Posted on March 7, 2025March 7, 2025 by Anshul Gupta0% 0 votes, 0 avg 0 Mass Media and Communications Ch (7) Book – 2Practice Quiz in English Part – 2 || Class 12 Sociology Practice Quizzes in English 1 / 201. What is the most common use of ‘secular’ in everyday language in India? A. Referring to economic activities B. Synonymous with 'religious' C. Describing a political ideology D. The opposite of 'communal' Explanation: In India, ‘secular’ often signifies an attitude that does not favor any particular religion over others.2 / 202. What is the main criterion for an organization to be included in civil society? A. It should be based on religious beliefs. B. It should be a profit-making entity. C. It should not be state-controlled and not purely commercial. D. It should be state-controlled. Explanation: Civil society organizations operate independently of the state and are not driven solely by profit motives.3 / 203. How has India’s approach to cultural diversity been characterized? A. Integrationist B. Assimilationist C. A combination of both D. Neither assimilationist nor integrationist Explanation: India has not forced a single cultural identity but has also not banished cultural markers from the public sphere.4 / 204. What are some examples of civil society organizations? A. Political parties, NGOs, trade unions B. Government ministries, police departments C. Royal families, hereditary rulers D. Commercial banks, corporations Explanation: These are examples of organizations that operate independently of the state and market.5 / 205. Why is communalism an important issue in India? A. It has promoted social harmony. B. It has strengthened national unity. C. It has led to economic prosperity. D. It has been a recurrent source of tension and violence. Explanation: Communal tensions and conflicts have historically been a significant challenge to peace and stability in India.6 / 206. What is civil society? A. The state and its institutions B. The non-state and non-market public domain C. The commercial market D. The private domain of the family Explanation: Civil society encompasses voluntary associations and organizations that operate outside the realm of the state and market.7 / 207. What is the key factor in identifying communalism? A. Attitude towards those with different identities B. Economic status and occupation C. Level of education D. Personal faith and devotion Explanation: Communalism is characterized by hostility and aggression towards those who hold different identities, especially religious ones.8 / 208. Why do states ‘need’ the nation? A. For political legitimacy B. For cultural diversity C. For military strength D. For economic resources Explanation: States increasingly rely on the idea of representing a nation to justify their existence and authority.9 / 209. What is a characteristic feature of communalism? A. The recognition of individual differences B. The belief that religious identity overrides everything else C. The promotion of interfaith dialogue D. The separation of religion and politics Explanation: Communalism asserts the primacy of religious identity over all other aspects of a person’s identity.10 / 2010. What is the significance of civil society organizations in a democracy? A. They hold the state accountable and advocate for citizens' interests. B. They uphold traditional values. C. They promote economic growth. D. They reinforce state authority. Explanation: Civil society plays a vital role in ensuring that the state remains responsive to the needs and rights of its citizens.11 / 2011. What is the ‘state-nation’ concept? A. A state with a dominant religious group B. A state without a defined territory C. A state with a single homogenous culture D. A state where various 'nations' can co-exist peacefully Explanation: The ‘state-nation’ model allows for multiple cultural identities within a single state polity.12 / 2012. What is the role of the media in civil society? A. It promotes commercial interests. B. It provides a platform for diverse voices and perspectives. C. It acts as a mouthpiece for the government. D. It enforces religious conformity. Explanation: A free and independent media is essential for a healthy civil society, as it allows for the expression of a variety of viewpoints.13 / 2013. What does secularism in the Western context primarily refer to? A. The promotion of a single religion B. The separation of church and state C. The imposition of religious values D. The suppression of religious freedom Explanation: Western secularism emphasizes the distinction between religious and political authority.14 / 2014. What are some of the issues that civil society organizations address? A. Tribal land rights, women's rights, education reform B. Religious doctrines, moral codes C. National defense, foreign policy D. Corporate mergers, stock market regulations Explanation: Civil society organizations engage with a wide range of social and political issues affecting various communities.15 / 2015. What is the ‘Right to Information’ Act? A. A law granting citizens access to government records B. A law promoting media censorship C. A law protecting the privacy of government officials D. A law restricting access to government information Explanation: The RTI Act empowers Indian citizens to request and obtain information held by public authorities.16 / 2016. What is the nature of India’s historical experience with religious diversity? A. Exclusively conflictual B. A mix of both peaceful coexistence and conflict C. Irrelevant to modern India D. Entirely harmonious Explanation: India’s history includes both periods of religious pluralism and instances of inter-religious conflict.17 / 2017. What is the most contentious aspect of cultural diversity? A. Religious communities and identities B. Economic inequality C. Regional disparities D. Language differences Explanation: Issues related to religion and religious identity tend to be the most sensitive and prone to conflict.18 / 2018. How have civil liberties organizations contributed to Indian democracy? A. By suppressing dissent B. By monitoring the state and enforcing legal compliance C. By limiting freedom of speech D. By promoting religious intolerance Explanation: Civil liberties organizations play a crucial role in safeguarding rights and ensuring that the state operates within the bounds of the law.19 / 2019. What does the campaign for the Right to Information exemplify? A. The power of collective action to influence the state B. The government's eagerness to share information C. The irrelevance of transparency in governance D. The dominance of the state over civil society Explanation: The successful campaign for the RTI Act demonstrates how civil society can mobilize to demand accountability from the state.20 / 2020. What is communalism in the Indian context? A. A social movement advocating for minority rights B. A political ideology promoting economic equality C. Aggressive chauvinism based on religious identity D. Peaceful coexistence of different religions Explanation: Communalism in India refers to a form of political extremism that asserts the superiority of one religious group over others.Please insert your information to see your ranking अपनी Ranking जानने के लिए कृपया अपनी जानकारी भरे NamePhone Number Your score isThe average score is 0% 0% Restart quiz Category: Class 12 Sociology Quizzes in English