Terms, Concepts and Their use in Sociology Ch(2) Book – 1 Practice Quiz in English Part – 1 || Class 11 Sociology Practice Quizzes in English Posted on March 1, 2025March 1, 2025 by Anshul Gupta0% 0 votes, 0 avg 0 Terms, Concepts and Their use in Sociology Ch(2) Book – 1Practice Quiz in English Part – 1 || Class 11 Sociology Practice Quizzes in English 1 / 201. What is an achieved status? A. A social position occupied involuntarily B. A social position attained through personal achievements C. A social position determined by family background D. A social position assigned by society Explanation: The passage explains that an achieved status is one that a person gains through their own efforts and accomplishments.2 / 202. What is social control? A. The means used by society to regulate its members' behavior B. The study of social stratification C. The process of social interaction D. The formation of social groups Explanation: The text defines social control as the mechanisms and techniques used by society to ensure conformity and maintain order.3 / 203. What are reference groups? A. Groups we belong to and interact with regularly B. Groups formed in traditional societies C. Groups whose lifestyles are emulated D. Groups we feel hostile towards Explanation: The text defines reference groups as those we aspire to be like and whose lifestyles we may try to copy.4 / 204. Which of the following is an example of a quasi group? A. A village community B. Passengers waiting at a railway station C. A family D. A close group of friends Explanation: The text gives the example of passengers at a railway station as a quasi group because they lack a definite connection with each other.5 / 205. What is the central task of sociology? A. To predict future social changes B. To analyse economic trends C. To study the history of societies D. To explore the interplay of society and the individual Explanation: The passage emphasizes that sociology focuses on understanding how individuals and society influence each other.6 / 206. What kind of interaction is more characteristic of modern, large-scale societies? A. Formal interaction B. Informal gatherings C. Close, face-to-face interaction D. Family-based interaction Explanation: The passage contrasts the face-to-face interactions in traditional societies with the more formal and impersonal interactions in modern societies.7 / 207. What is an ascribed status? A. A social position occupied because of birth B. A social position attained through education C. A social position gained through professional experience D. A social position achieved through personal ability Explanation: The text defines an ascribed status as one assigned to an individual based on factors like age, caste, or kinship, which are not chosen.8 / 208. What is a role? A. A person's reputation in society B. The dynamic or behavioral aspect of status C. A social position determined by birth D. A static aspect of status Explanation: The passage explains that a role is how a person acts out their status, the dynamic part of their social position.9 / 209. What is role conflict? A. The incompatibility among roles corresponding to one or more statuses B. The expectations associated with a role C. The process of assuming a new role D. The successful performance of a role Explanation: The passage describes role conflict as the clash between expectations from different roles that a person has to fulfill.10 / 2010. What is the term for the value attached to a status or office? A. Prestige B. Social control C. Role D. Deviance Explanation: The text defines prestige as the social value associated with a particular status or position.11 / 2011. Which of the following is a key concept for understanding society according to Karl Marx? A. Social solidarity B. Class and conflict C. Collective conscience D. Harmony and cooperation Explanation: The text mentions that Marx viewed class and conflict as central to understanding social dynamics.12 / 2012. What is a status in sociology? A. A person's level of education B. A person's economic standing C. A social position with defined rights and duties D. A person's popularity in society Explanation: The text defines a status as a position in society that comes with specific expectations and responsibilities.13 / 2013. What term is used to describe the feeling of separation between ‘us’ and ‘them’? A. Group dynamics B. Out-group hostility C. In-group bias D. Social stratification Explanation: The passage explains how the feeling of belonging to an in-group creates a distinction between ‘us’ and ‘them.’14 / 2014. What is social stratification? A. The formation of social groups B. The process of social interaction C. The existence of structured inequalities between groups D. The dynamics of social control Explanation: The passage clearly states that social stratification refers to the unequal distribution of resources and opportunities among different groups in society.15 / 2015. Why does sociology need specific terms and concepts? A. To distinguish sociological knowledge from common sense B. To make the subject sound more complex C. Because sociology deals with unfamiliar matters D. To impress people with technical jargon Explanation: The text argues that sociology needs specific terms to provide a clearer and more precise understanding of social phenomena, going beyond everyday assumptions.16 / 2016. What analogy did structural functionalists use to describe society? A. A machine B. A family C. A market D. An organism Explanation: The passage explains that structural functionalists likened society to an organism, where different parts play specific roles for the overall well-being of the whole.17 / 2017. In a caste stratification system, an individual’s position depends on: A. Personal achievements B. Educational qualifications C. Economic status D. Status attributes ascribed by birth Explanation: The passage emphasizes that caste systems are based on birth, determining an individual’s social standing from the moment they are born.18 / 2018. Which of the following is NOT one of the historically basic systems of stratification? A. Caste B. Estate C. Tribe D. Slavery Explanation: The text lists slavery, caste, estate, and class as the four basic systems of stratification.19 / 2019. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of a social group? A. Persistent interaction B. Shared interest C. A sense of belonging D. Random gathering of people Explanation: The text defines a social group as having characteristics like persistent interaction, shared interests, and a sense of belonging, which random gatherings lack.20 / 2020. What is a quasi group? A. A small group with intimate relationships B. A formal organization with a clear structure C. An aggregate lacking structure or organization D. A group with shared goals and objectives Explanation: The passage describes a quasi group as a collection of individuals who may be in the same place but lack the structure or organization of a social group.Please insert your information to see your ranking अपनी Ranking जानने के लिए कृपया अपनी जानकारी भरे NamePhone Number Your score isThe average score is 0% 0% Restart quiz Category: Class 11 Sociology Quizzes in English