The Market as a Social Institution Ch (4) Book – 1 Practice Quiz in English Part – 2 || Class 12 Sociology Practice Quizzes in English Posted on March 7, 2025March 7, 2025 by Anshul Gupta0% 0 votes, 0 avg 0 The Market as a Social Institution Ch (4) Book – 1Practice Quiz in English Part – 2 || Class 12 Sociology Practice Quizzes in English 1 / 201. What has been the impact of increased commercialization of agriculture on rural areas? A. Decreased flow of money into villages B. None of the above C. Increased flow of money into villages D. No impact on flow of money Explanation: The commercialization of agriculture has increased the flow of money into villages. 2 / 202. What was the impact of the zamindari system on agricultural production? A. None of the above B. No impact on production C. Increased production D. Stagnated or declined production Explanation: The passage states that agricultural production either stagnated or declined under the zamindari system. 3 / 203. What was the impact of the Green Revolution on regional inequalities? A. Increased inequalities B. Decreased inequalities C. None of the above D. No impact on inequalities Explanation: The Green Revolution worsened regional inequalities in India. 4 / 204. What practice was prevalent in many parts of northern India until recently? A. Begar or free labour B. None of the above C. Both a and b D. Bonded labour Explanation: The text mentions the practices of “begar” (free labour) and bonded labour in northern India. 5 / 205. What has been a controversial decision by India regarding agriculture? A. None of the above B. Banning all imports C. Importing wheat D. Exporting wheat Explanation: The passage mentions India’s decision to import wheat as a controversial move. 6 / 206. What did the Land Ceiling Acts impose? A. No limit on land ownership B. None of the above C. Upper limit on land ownership D. Lower limit on land ownership Explanation: The Land Ceiling Acts set an upper limit on the amount of land a family could own. 7 / 207. What is the main environmental impact of contract farming? A. Reduces dependence on fertilizers and pesticides B. Ecologically sustainable C. Often not ecologically sustainable due to high use of fertilizers and pesticides D. None of the above Explanation: The passage notes that contract farming can be environmentally unsustainable due to its reliance on fertilizers and pesticides. 8 / 208. What is the relationship between caste and class in rural India? A. Simple and straightforward B. No relationship C. None of the above D. Complex and not always straightforward Explanation: The text describes the relationship between caste and class in rural areas as complex. 9 / 209. What is the meaning of the term “bonded labour”? A. Free wage labour B. Hereditary labour relationships C. Migrant labour D. None of the above Explanation: The text defines “bonded labour” as hereditary labour relationships. 10 / 2010. What has been the impact of globalization on agriculture in India? A. None of the above B. Incorporation of agriculture into the larger global market C. No impact D. Isolated from the global market Explanation: The passage discusses the globalization of agriculture in India and its incorporation into the global market. 11 / 2011. What social group typically has the best access to land and resources in rural India? A. The lowest castes B. The upper and middle castes C. None of the above D. All castes equally Explanation: The passage indicates that upper and middle castes generally have better access to land and resources. 12 / 2012. What has been the impact of the policy of liberalization on Indian farmers? A. None of the above B. Protected markets C. Exposure to competition from the global market D. Increased state support Explanation: Liberalization policies have exposed Indian farmers to global market competition. 13 / 2013. What is the sociological significance of contract farming? A. Makes indigenous knowledge of agriculture more relevant B. None of the above C. Engages more people in the production process D. Disengages people from the production process and makes indigenous knowledge irrelevant Explanation: The text highlights that contract farming disengages people from production and makes their own agricultural knowledge irrelevant. 14 / 2014. In which land settlement system were the actual cultivators responsible for paying the tax? A. None of the above B. Raiyatwari system C. Both a and b D. Zamindari system Explanation: The raiyatwari system made the cultivators directly responsible for tax payments. 15 / 2015. What did the British do with property rights when they colonized India? A. Granted property rights to the zamindars B. None of the above C. Abolished property rights D. Granted property rights to the cultivators Explanation: The British granted property rights to the zamindars during the colonial period. 16 / 2016. What has been the impact of the increasing interconnection of rural and urban economies? A. Decline of all traditional occupations B. None of the above C. No impact on occupations D. Increase in diverse occupations Explanation: The passage states that the connection between rural and urban economies has led to a greater variety of occupations. 17 / 2017. What was the focus of planned development in India after independence? A. Agrarian reform and industrialization B. None of the above C. Only industrialization D. Only agrarian reform Explanation: Post-independence India focused on both agrarian reform and industrialization for planned development. 18 / 2018. What was the most effective land reform law passed in India? A. Land Ceiling Act B. Abolition of the zamindari system C. None of the above D. Tenancy abolition Explanation: The passage identifies the abolition of the zamindari system as the most effective land reform law. 19 / 2019. What was the impact of the Green Revolution on India’s food grain production? A. Decreased production B. Became self-sufficient C. Increased dependence on imports D. None of the above Explanation: The Green Revolution enabled India to achieve self-sufficiency in food grain production. 20 / 2020. What is the main theme explored in the passage? A. None of the above B. The benefits of the Green Revolution for all farmers C. The benefits of globalization for rural India D. The challenges and changes faced by rural India in a globalizing world Explanation: The passage examines the various challenges and changes rural India faces in the context of globalization, including agrarian distress, labour migration, and the impact of liberalization policies. 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